Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA


Trade Negotiations

Home Countries Sitemap A-Z list Governmental Contact Points


October 27, 2003

Original: English - Spanish
Translation: non FTAA Secretariat




The Hemispheric Cooperation Program (HCP) was presented and approved at the Quito Ministerial Meeting, November 2002,; its objective is to “strengthen the capacities of those countries seeking assistance to participate in the negotiations, to implement their trade commitments, and to address the challenges of the hemispheric integration and to maximize the benefits of it, including productive capacity and competitiveness in the region.” (Ministerial Declaration, Quito, Ecuador, paragraph 18, November 1, 2002).

The HCP establishes a mechanism to receive, disseminate, evaluate and consider possible financing or technical assistance to specific projects submitted by the FTAA countries, groups of countries or negotiating groups (FTAA.sme/08/Rev.1, October 18, 2002). This mechanism adopted the form of a Project Profile Matrix which summarizes the main characteristics of the projects submitted by the countries in the format agreed by the Consultative Group of Smaller Economies (CGSE). The Matrix has been modified and updated on several occasions according to the changing countries needs, suggestions by the countries to give more clarity to the tool, as well as the inclusion of new profiles sent by countries.


The Project Profile Matrix has been conceived as a versatile finding tool, through which countries and donors would be able to identify and evaluate immediately the specific needs of countries and groups of countries, the status of the response to those needs, the kind of technical assistance required, as well as the ad-hoc cooperation given by the Tripartite Committee institutions.


The countries and/or group of countries identify and shape their needs for assistance in the Format of Project Profiles (FTAA.sme/05) and send them to the Negotiating Group or to the CGSE, as the country and/or the group of countries determines. If the profile is sent to a Negotiating Group it is then later sent to the CGSE. Once it has been sent to the CGSE and the Administrative Secretariat for translation and distribution, the latter sends it to all the participating delegations of the CGSE and to the Tripartite Committee to incorporate it into the Project Profile Matrix.

The Tripartite Committee continuously up dates the Matrix with the information provided by the countries or group of countries. The matrix also includes the information sent by the countries that offer cooperation. Thus the corresponding column shows the activities undertaken within the framework of the project or specific needs.


The present version of the Project Profile Matrix incorporates the suggestions and agreements of the CGSE during their XXI Meeting (Puebla, Mexico 16-17 June, 2003) and ratified during their XXII Meeting (Puebla, September 3-5). The Matrix consists of four sections: 1) Projects Submitted; 2) Executed Projects or in execution; 3) Ad hoc cooperation granted by the Tripartite Committee; 4) Studies.

The section of Projects Submitted includes the project profiles that at the moment of its incorporation into the matrix or the updated version have not received technical assistance. The Projects have been marked with an asterisk when their senders have indicated that those projects require immediate attention

The second section of the Matrix includes the Executed Projects that have received technical assistance or financing and their status are either executed or in execution. This information allows countries and donors to know the progress of the cooperation, and the themes and sectors assisted; therefore it facilitates the identification of new areas of technical assistance as well as the necessity of continuing some programs, projects and cooperative actions.

The ad hoc Cooperation section responds to the purpose of maintaining informed interested parts about the actions that have been carried out by the institutions of the Tripartite Committee (IDB, ECLAC, OAS) which respond to the different technical assistance and financial needs submitted in the framework of the FTAA.

Finally, the Studies section includes a list of documents, research papers, technical information and proposals solicited to the Tripartite Committee, which have been grouped under the common denominator of Studies. This enumeration allows a quick distinction between this kind of request from that requiring another type of technical assistance.

The information contained in each of the four sections of the matrix is organized by columns. In the sections of Projects Presented, Executed Projects and Studies, each project profile contains eight columns. The first refers to the –theme or sector– the sequence follow the chapter ordering proposed by the Technical Committee on Institutional Issues of FTAA, and the incorporation of the civil society theme, electronic commerce as well as others; this last includes all those projects that do not correspond with a specific subject or comprise various subjects. The second column –classification– corresponds with the classification project or study within the FTAA; its function is to facilitate the location of profiles and their identification by the group who sent it.

A third column –Countries/ Group of Countries– identifies the senders of the project, as well as its institutional contact, following by the –Title– of the project in the fourth column, such as it appears in the profile sent to the CGSE. The fifth column –Objectives– identifies the more general objectives contained in the project, while the sixth column –Components– lists the specific needs of cooperation be it financing, technical, etc. A seventh column describes the –Expected Results– of the cooperation whereas the eighth and final column, –State of Cooperation, Column only included in the divisions of Executed Projects and Studies– informs about the state of technical assistance and financing responses. At the moment, the last column incorporates only technical assistance that the donors have sent to be included in determined projects.

With respect to the ad hoc Cooperation section, the information is grouped in seven columns: a) Organization, identifies the institution which informs, IDB, ECLAC, or the OAS; b) Area of Cooperation, identifies the kind of cooperation: financial, technical or other; c) Description of the Cooperation, if it is a program, project or a specific activity; d) Objectives of the Cooperation; e) Offered to governments, private sector, or others; f) Period, means the period of time in which the cooperation is or was given; g) the Contact, the beneficiaries and/or the participating institution.

The present status of the Matrix of Project Profile is presented in the following part of this document, according to the information received until October 10th, 2003.

1. Projects Presented
Theme or sector Classification Country/
Group of Countries
Title Objective Components Expected Results
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/113 * Paraguay Technical and financial assistance for customs services. - To modernize and strengthen the capacities of the General Directorate of Customs. - Experts
- Training of DGA technicians and international negotiators.
- Provide support for participating in international meetings and courses.
- Provide support for publishing texts for distribution.
- Acquisition of equipment and materials
- To respond in a timely and efficient manner to the requirements of senior levels of government.
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/116 Grenada Facilitating trade through support to Metrology Services. - To set up and operate a calibration system reliable and traceable to national or international standards. -Financing to hire an expert in metrology, staff support, training; to acquire equipment and, to construct a laboratory building. - A metrology laboratory; primary, secondary and working standards; equipment and trained metrology staff.
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/118 Bahamas The strengthening and modernization of the Customs Department and The Department of Statistics, with regard to trade data. The automation of Ports of Entry to facilitate trade and the collection of data. - To build skills and technical capacity;
- To provide timely trade and tariff data;
- To modernize and computerize the Ports of entry in the Family Islands.
- Technical assistance (engaging the services of an expert).
- Training courses, seminars and workshop.
- Financial resources.
- Upgrading of customs facilities and the provision of timely and accurate trade data.
- Greater understanding of the FTAA rules.
- Strengthening capacity.
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/128 * Dominican Republic Advice on the Harmonization of Norms (Mutual Recognition Agreements) -Endow the personnel of DICOEX with the necessary capacity for analysis and implementation so that the country can take advantage of the trade agreements that it has signed.
-Identify the non-tariff barriers.
- Specialized technical assistance
- Training
- Improved market access.
- Simplification of bureaucratic procedures.
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/129 * Dominican Republic Training in the identification of technical barriers to trade - Endow the personnel of DICOEX with the necessary capacity for analysis and implementation so that the country can take advantage of the trade agreements it has signed.
-Identify the non-tariff barriers that exist in the form of procedures, regulations and norms that impede free trade
- Specialized technical assistance
- Training
- Planning and strategic analysis
- Improved market access for the country’s exports
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/133 Dominican Republic Simplification and Automation of Export Processes and Set-up of One-Stop Windows for Foreign Trade Operation Centers - To simplify, centralize, and automate export processes. - The sum of DOP 131,000.00 is being requested to purchase furnishings and equipment for, and remodel, the SIVUCEX Operation Centers. - To simplify, centralize, and automate export processes.
Agriculture FTAA.sme/inf/112 * Paraguay Strengthening Paraguay’s Negotiating Capacity: Support for the Harmonization of Agricultural and Trade Policies - Modernize and strengthen the institutional capacities and techniques in order to optimize their contribution to the formulation of policies that promote the sustainable development of the agricultural sector - Technical Assistance. - Training.
- Support for participating in meetings.
- Equipment.
- Qualified personnel and appropriate infrastructure.
- The DGP and the CECII are the main contact point.
- Strengthen and increase their capacity to manage.
- Create information systems.
Agriculture FTAA.ngag/inf/62 Nicaragua Training of technicians in aspects of phytosanitary diagnostics, including modern methodologies and processes for the detection and identification of pests. - Train technicians performing phytosanitary diagnostics in modern analysis techniques for recognizing and identifying pests. - Training expenses for 6 individuals in a North- or South American laboratory.
- Purchase of equipment and basic reactives.
- To recognize and identify pests in a maximum period of 8 hours.
- Less costly product.
- Grater reliability.
Agriculture FTAA.ngag/inf/63 Nicaragua Training of Professionals and Technicians in veterinary diagnostics, and food-borne diseases (FBDs), including modern methodologies and processes to detect and identify FBDs and illnesses in domestic animals. - Train technicians performing zoosanitary diagnostics in modern testing and identification techniques for animal diseases and food-borne diseases (FBDs). - Training facilities for 8 individuals in a North- or South American laboratory.
- Purchase of equipment and basic reactives.
- Detection and identification of animal diseases in a period between 8 to 12 hours.
- Disease-free animals and better quality food products.
Agriculture FTAA.sme/inf/109 * Paraguay Improvement of Plant Protection in Paraguay in Support of Agricultural Trade Policy - To modernize and strengthen the Plant Protection Division (PPD) in order to optimize its role and contribute towards the design of policies. - Experts for the diagnosis and formulation design of the Ministry of Agriculture's Plant Protection Policy System.
- Training PPD technicians.
- Provide support for participation in agricultural negotiations and internships.
- Equipment and materials.
- Count with skilled employees, infrastructures and equipment at the DDV.
Agriculture FTAA.sme/inf/140 * Dominican Republic Strengthening the Sanitary Services System in the Agricultural Sector of the Dominican Republic - Contribute to the strengthening of an efficient agricultural production platform in the country, under a production scheme that safeguards agri-food quality and safety - A specialist to gather information and determine the baseline situation.
- Consulting initiatives to develop a “Proposal for a National Sanitary Regulation System for the Agricultural Sector”
- Facilities to train 100 personnel.
- Consultants to design a proposal to harmonize laboratories.;
- A strengthened official system for sanitary regulation will be in place. This system will have credibility and be institutionally sound.
- A minimum installed capacity will exist in the sector to provide diagnostic and design services, and quality control and certification systems.
- Human resources skills.
Subsidies, Antidumping and Countervailing Duties FTAA.sme/inf/75 * Dominican Republic Workshop-seminar on managing antidumping measures, a comparative analysis of antidumping measures in regional agreements among the countries of the FTAA Course on identifying the distinction between trade and competition policy. - Training in negotiations for the members of the NGADCV. - Specialized technical assistance.
- Consultants
- More training and expertise for the members of the NGADCV.
Services FTAA.ngsv/inf/25 Uruguay Strengthen Uruguay’s capacity to participate fully in the negotiation of the FTAA Chapter on Services. -Conduct the negotiation of services efficiently.
- Present an offer that is consistent with the regulations currently in force.
- Financial assistance to hire personnel and purchase computer equipment. - Database containing the inventory of non-conforming measures and quantitative restrictions included in the country’s regulations.
Services FTAA.sme/inf/114 * Paraguay Strengthening Paraguay’s negotiating capacity for the negotiations on services in the FTAA. - To develop a methodology for formulating statistics.
- To develop mechanisms for coordination with other sources of statistics in the region.
- To train technical experts in developing statistics.
- An expert in the development of statistical methodologies and analysis.
- Implementation of the proposed statistical system.
- The development of software and the acquisition of international statistics.
- To have a methodology for developing statistics, a database, and trained personnel.
- A reliable, comparable statistical system.
- Mechanisms to complement other regional centers that develop statistics.
Services FTAA.sme/inf/134 *
Dominican Republic Technical assistance for the performance of specialized studies on the opening of the services sector in the FTAA. - Identify vulnerable services subsectors.
- Design and perform specialized studies on the impact of the opening of the services sector.
- Strengthen the legal framework of the services sector.
- Advice on the design and performance of a study on the opening of the services sector.
- Advice on the legal framework of the services sector.
- Previously conducted studies of the main economic consequences of the opening of services sectors.
- Workshops and studies on other countries’ experiences.
- Statistics.
- A specialized study that reports on the opportunities and limitations experienced in the opening of the services sector
- A specialized study of the opening of the internal services market.
- Detailed breakdown of the vulnerable services subsectors.
Services FTAA.sme/inf/135
Dominican Republic Technical assistance on trade information mechanisms in the services sector and the development of a database to provide support in the trade negotiations process - Develop an information system on trade in the services sector.
- Improve the database on trade in services.
- Specialized courses.
- Technical support for the development of databases.
- An effective information system and database.
- Capacity to maintain the database and trade information system.
- Training of national technicians.
Services FTAA.sme/inf/136 *
Dominican Republic Technical assistance for training a negotiating team to participate in and follow up on trade negotiations in the services sector. - Update the negotiating team.
- Train those who handle agreements.
- Improve the technical know-how of the negotiating team regarding each services subsector.
- Seminars and training courses.
- Advice on how to improve the follow-up on commitments.
- Workshops and studies on other countries’ experiences with the management of trade agreements on services
- A negotiating team that is up-to-date on the latest techniques used in trade negotiations.
- Appropriate follow-up on the commitments derived from the services-related negotiations
- Detailed knowledge of trade in the services sector.
Investment FTAA.sme/inf/107 * Paraguay Program of Institutional Strengthening in Investment - Strengthening the institutional capacity.
- Training and improvement of negotiators.
- Financial resources for: participation in seminars and courses; internship at international agencies; and formulation of diagnoses and analyses.
- Technical assistance to institutions.
- Trained officials.
- Strengthened institutional capacity.
Government Procurement FTAA.nggp/inf/61 *
Dominican Republic Request for technical assistance and cooperation to prepare a market access offer for government procurement - Train a technical team to prepare a market access offer for the Dominican Republic - Workshops and seminars.
-Political and administrative structure of the countries of the hemisphere.
- Government procurement statistics for the region.
- A market access offer.
- Stronger national institutions.
- Creation of a trained team.
Government Procurement FTAA.nggp/inf/102
Ecuador Support in the negotiations on market access in government procurement. - Make a general assessment of the Ecuadorian negotiating process in the area of government procurement.
- Provide support for obtaining, processing and evaluating information related to decision-making in the negotiations on market access in government procurement.
- Provide support for administrative and coordination activities.
- An expert consultant for five days.
- A junior consultant for six months.
- Improving Ecuador’s information handling, consultation and decision-making process with respect to government procurement.
Government Procurement FTAA.sme/inf/117 Peru Systematization and standardization of information on government procurement carried out since 1999. -To standardize information used in monitoring selection processes and to generate statistical reports. - License for software applications.
- Training.
- Technical assistance from an international expert in government procurement.
- To expand and to strengthen CONSUCODE’s organizational and functional capacity.
- To have relevant, necessary information that will contribute to decision-making in the international negotiations.
- To analyze the influence of the government procurement system.
Competition Policy FTAA.sme/inf/110 * Paraguay Upgrading institutional capacity for the formulation, approval, and implementation of national competition legislation. Training programs for public officials, parliamentarians, and civil society. - Approval of Paraguay’s competition law bill.
- Training for parliamentarians, public officials, and civil society
Resources to finance the organization of, and participation in, national and international seminars or courses and internships. - Public officials, parliamentarians, and civil society are trained
- Parliament approves Paraguay’s bill.
- To implement trade commitments derived from the FTAA.
- To access all the benefits derived from the FTAA.
Competition Policy FTAA.sme/inf/111 * Paraguay Strengthening Paraguay’s negotiating capacity and active participation in the negotiation of the FTAA Chapter on Competition. - Strengthen Paraguay’s participation in the FTAA negotiations. - The amount required to finance Paraguay’s participation in the meetings of the NGCP during the 2003 – 2005 period. - Restore Paraguay’s active participation in the NGCP meetings of the FTAA.
Competition Policy FTAA.sme/inf/142 * Dominican Republic Technical assistance in drafting a Competition Bill; training and transferring experiences. - Provide the team coordinating the work aimed at implementing a competition regime with the necessary conceptual tools.
- Be provided with technical assistance for the process of establishing a Competition Agency.
- Build capacities to study cases.
- Creating a culture of competition.
- Expert consulting services for the technical review of the bill
- Internships.
- Courses and workshops.
- Specialized consulting on establishing a Competition Agency
- Workshops on information dissemination techniques.
- Establish a competition regime in the Dominican Republic
Intellectual Property Rights FTAA.ngip/inf/16 Uruguay Strengthening of the Industrial Property System to accommodate technological innovation and competitiveness. - Create the conditions for the country’s participation in the region and in the global economy, thereby fostering innovation and competitiveness through intensive mobilization and utilization of industrial property. - Training and advisory.
- Funds for training courses, equipment, electronic publications, publicity and services management and maintenance.
- Trained staff.
- Trained users of the system.
- Information and advisory services.
- Enhanced infrastructure.
- Material for dissemination.
- Integration into national and regional networks.
Intellectual Property Rights FTAA.sme/inf/108 * Paraguay Institution building, dissemination of the importance of industrial property -Strengthening the communications network.
- Publicity.
- Training technical experts.
-Financial and technical assistance.
- Training courses and internships
- Implementation of trade agreement mechanisms.
- Professionals well versed on the topic.
Dispute Settlement FTAA.sme/inf/106 * Paraguay Program for the Training of Assistant Negotiators - Training and upgrading the skills of officials assisting negotiators of dispute settlement mechanisms - Financing for participating in seminars and courses.
- Internships in International Organizations.
- Appropriate level of training for negotiators’ assistants.
Civil Society FTAA.sme/inf/121 Bahamas The development and expansion of a Public Relations exercise on the FTAA throughout The Bahamas. - To build consensus and to increase awareness and educate civil society on the FTAA - Training and material for dissemination.
- Human resources to promote training.
- $200,000.
- To build national consensus by increasing awareness and understanding of the FTAA process
Civil Society FTAA.sme/inf/139 * Dominican republic Support Unit for the Dominican Republic’s International Trade Negotiations - To boost the level and the effectiveness of the participation of the Dominican Republic's civil society in international trade negotiations fora. - Seminars and workshops.
- Publications
- TV and Radio program.
- To improve the information level of the civil society during the negotiation process.
- To improve the civil society participation in society forums and spread of information
Others FTAA.sme/inf/87 CARICOM and Dominican Republic Spanish, English, and Portuguese language programs and courses - To implement Spanish, English, and Portuguese language programs that will help develop human resources’ language skills so as to ensure greater and better participation in the hemispheric integration process. - Provide native speakers from these countries to teach the Spanish, English, and Portuguese language courses.
- Scholarships to improve Spanish, English, and Portuguese language skills through study in countries where these are the official languages.
- Contribution to the development of capacities.
- Enhanced communication and capacity to interact with members of the public and private sector in the Hemisphere who are involved in the trade negotiation process.
- Improvement in trade relations with partners in the Hemisphere
Others FTAA.sme/inf/84 Nicaragua Institutional strengthening. - Strengthen the communications network. - USD 297,000 for hardware - USD 150,000 for computer equipment - Benefits for the Ministry of Industry and Trade and its negotiators.
Others FTAA.sme/inf/119 Bahamas The strengthening and modernization of Office of The Attorney General to conduct legal review and reform in response to the new environment of trade liberalization and hemispheric integration. - To build capacity, human, technical knowledge and technical capacity;
- To review existing legislation in relation to complying with the proposed FTAA Agreement
- To modernize and computerize the Office of the Attorney General.
- Specific Technical assistance (engaging the services of an expert)
- Training courses, seminars and workshop.
- Financial resources.
- Upgrading and modernization of the Office of The Attorney General.
- Enhance understanding and compliance with FTAA rules and regulations.
- Strengthening capacity.
Others FTAA.sme/inf/122 Bahamas Building Capacity and the Policy level and strengthening the overall negotiating capacity of Bahamian officials the FTAA and other relevant trade related Agreements - To build capacity of policymakers to make effective policy decisions.
- To build negotiating capacity to develop the negotiating expertise of negotiators to participate fully in the FTAA negotiations.
- To develop negotiating strategies for the various sectors on market access and offers.
- Engaging of an expert.
- Training courses, workshops.
- Greater understanding and awareness of FTAA rules and regulations and their impact for The Bahamas.
- The implementation of laws compliant with FTAA rules and regulations
- The development of a strategy for negotiations.
Others FTAA.sme/inf/123 Bahamas Technical Assistance to develop Competition and Government Procurement Legislation - Strengthen the institutional and technical capacity to prepare Competition Law and the formulation of Government Procurement Policy. - Specialized Technical Assistance.
- Training courses, seminars and workshops.
- Financial Resources.
- Enactment of Competition Laws
- Development of concise and clear Government Procurement Regulations
Others FTAA.sme/inf/130 * Dominican Republic Commercial Intelligence Unit - To strengthen the technical capacity of the negotiating team.
- To encourage the participation of the national production sectors
  - An established commercial intelligence program.
- A negotiating team that is well-advised and stronger.

* Projects that required immediate assistance.

2. Executed Projects or in execution
Theme or sector Classification Country/Group of Countries Title Objectives Components Expected Results Status of Cooperation
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/80 Dominican Republic Strengthening of institutional and operational aspects of the Foreign Trade and Treaty Management Agency of the State Secretariat of Industry and Commerce (SEIC). - Build the capacities of Agency staff for the preparation of studies and establishment of trade rules. - Specialized technical assistance.
- Financial resources.
- Training courses and internships.
- Agency efficiency.
- Implementation of trade agreement mechanisms.
- Increased availability of information.
U.S. Government activities in this area include:
Strategic analysis and planning and general awareness training on trade-related issues, compliance with trade agreements and the FTAA process.
At least 2 training courses were delivered to assist key public and private sector officials in identifying areas for financial, trade and investment policy reform. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Competitiveness Strategy Center, opened in 2001, increased interaction among key public and private-sector individuals and changed mindsets about the role of competitiveness in today’s global economy.
USAID helped forge new business alliances and public/private/community partnerships in four regions of the country to develop strategic plans, identify clusters of complementary industries, identify trade and investment policies to improve competitiveness in global markets, and create jobs, thus reducing poverty.
Agriculture FTAA.sme/inf/77 Dominican Republic Strengthening agricultural negotiations. - To design policy measures to mitigate the negative impact of agricultural imports - Financial resources.
- Technical assistance and advisory services.
- Training.
- 20 trained negotiators.
- Information for decision-making.
- Intelligence unit for negotiations.
- Studies to identify export potential.
The U.S. Government sponsored capital-based representatives from all 34 FTAA countries at the November 2002 WTO SPS Committee meeting. Two officials from each country participated, one technical expert and one trade expert. USAID assistance supported the nascent specialty coffee industry in the Dominican Republic, helping farmers and many small businesses associated with coffee processing, distribution and marketing. In the face of historic low prices, USAID is helping Dominican public and private partners to form a new organization to ensure production and marketing compliance with high standards for specialty coffee and form strategic partnerships with trade associations to attract new buyers and expand existing sales.
Services FTAA.ngsv/inf/23 Andean Community Building the Andean Community’s negotiating capacity: Enhancing the statistical information databases on available services in the Andean countries. - Develop a system that enables statistical information to be used for drafting policies on trade in services. - Assessment conducted by two experts hired with international cooperation funds.
- Meeting of government experts.
- Distribution of the Andean Community proposal to the countries.
- Financial resources and technical assistance to support national institutions.
- A database of reliable and uniform information on trade in services. The U.S. Agency for International Development is organizing a services study tour for 10 Andean Community country officials to meet with USG services experts.
Services FTAA.ngsv/inf/24 Andean Community Support for the Andean Community to strengthen institutional capacity, needed to implement its commitments and adapt to the integration process: strengthen contact points. - Strengthen the Andean Community’s services-related information systems.
- Enhance the services information system.
- A study by two experts, funded through international cooperation, to identify sources.
- Meeting of government delegates and experts.
- Prepare domestic evaluations.
- Financial and technical assistance resources needed to support national institutions.
- Have a reliable and sustainable information system and linkages between government and private institutions enabling the supply of services-related information U.S. Government activities in this area include:
Similar activity as that identified for Project FTAA.ngsv/inf/23
Government Procurement FTAA.nggp/inf/50 CARICOM Technical assistance in the preparation of its market access offer in Government Procurement. - Development and preparation of a market access offer in Government Procurement. - Each CARICOM State will provide procurement statistics, specifically for the years 1998-2000, and other information relevant to its sensitive sectors, national developmental policies, etc. - It is expected that the project output will be a CARICOM market access offer in government procurement. The U.S. Trade and Development Agency provided funding for nine CARICOM officials to participate in a capacity building seminar on government procurement that was held in Panama and organized by the IADB. Officials from Antigua, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Vincent, and Suriname attended the event, which took place September 9-13, 2002. USAID provided assistance in developing a Virtual Secretariat that linked the seven Regional Negotiating Machinery (RNM) offices with the 15 CARICOM member states Trade Ministries. The network enables member countries to collaborate and exchange information on trade related matters, including government procurement. Through the OECS Trade Policy Assistance Project, and CDN $ 3 million project from 2001 to 2004, Canada has provided considerable technical assistance to OECS members and trade departments on market offers, including data collection.
Intellectual Property Rights FTAA.sme/inf/73 Dominican Republic Specialized Training in Intellectual Property - Train the government authorities responsible for intellectual property rights.
- Provide specialized training to develop training capacity of civil-society professionals and businesses
- Human Resources
- Funding
- Legislation
- Professionals with specialized training.
U.S. Government activities include:
Strategic analysis and planning and general awareness training on trade-related issues, including intellectual property rights, and compliance with trade agreements and the FTAA process are strengthening the public and private sector’s capability to take advantage of new market opportunities. USAID sponsored training for key public and private sector officials, which helps identify areas for financial, trade and investment policy reform. At least 2 courses have been delivered to date.
Civil Society FTAA.sme/inf/74 Dominican Republic Increased Participation of Civil Society in the FTAA Process - Train key players of civil society in FTAA trade negotiation issues.
- Create a pool of human resources
- Documents to be used in HR training.
- 5 courses
- Consultants to prepare documents.
- Instructors
- Facilities, equipment, and logistics.
- 50 persons trained as disseminators.
- Increased participation of Civil Society.
U.S. Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Department of Justice officials participated in a civil society outreach event, which addressed competition policy and consumer protection issues. USAID sponsored the officials’ participation at the event, which took place in June 2002.
Civil Society FTAA.sme/inf/85 Nicaragua Strengthening of the Trade Information Office for private sector and civil society negotiations and consultations - Publishing and advertising by the Trade Information Office.
- Seminars and courses to educate civil society representatives.
- USD 200,000 for publicity and training. - Informed proposals from Nicaraguan civil society Through the Central America Trade Readiness Technical Assistance Project, Canada is currently developing a training module of civil society outreach and consensus-building that will be delivered to government officials in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. This course is expected to occur in mid-2003. Cost of each seminar would be approximately CDN $ 40,000.
Others FTAA.sme/inf/82 Dominican Republic/Nicaragua Fund to support the restructuring of companies and the redeployment of their production - Fund to support the restructuring of SMEs - Financial resources
- Specialized technical assistance
- Strengthening the capacity to compete and export
- Creation of new enterprises
- Redeployment of production
The U.SAID-funded Competitiveness Strategy Center, opened in 2001, increased interaction among key public and private-sector individuals and changed mindsets about the role of competitiveness in global economy.
USAID helped forge new business alliances and public/private/community partnerships in four regions of the country to develop strategic plans, identify clusters of complementary industries, identify trade and investment policies to improve competitiveness in global markets, and create jobs, thus reducing poverty.
Others FTAA.sme/inf/88 CARICOM and Dominican Republic Training and retraining through scholarships and foundations to enhance competitiveness. - To develop job training and retraining programs in selected areas that are directly related to the production of quality goods and services at a high level of competitiveness. - Scholarships for the advance training of selected technical personnel.
- Financial resources for developing job retraining programs.
- Technical assistance for developing training programs.
- Improvement in supply of services related to foreign trade.
- Workers and technical personnel with better skills and greater productivity.
- Higher level of competitiveness of goods and services destined for foreign markets.
- Increased capacity of the productive sectors to respond to changes in foreign demand.
U.S. Government activities in this area include:
- Similar activities as those identified in Project FTAA.sme/inf/82
- U.S. Government activities with CARICOM in this area include:
USAID is funding business advisors to provide technical assistance to small and medium-sized companies in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) countries. Assistance has included diagnostic assessments of enterprises to determine their financial and export viability, and the provision of business facilitation services such as, improving financial management and marketing capabilities, upgrading packaging, labeling and production processes.
The Small Tourism Enterprise Program has enhanced the competitiveness of small hotels, sites and attractions, and improved environmental management practices of tourism enterprises.
Walk-in Centers in all of the OECS countries provided small hoteliers and other tourism industry participants with access to training and other informational material to improve management and other business operations, facilitate marketing a Caribbean brand and enhancing environmental business conscientiousness by promoting energy conservation, recycling and solid waste and wastewater management.

Canada activities in this field include:
A six year, CDN $ 25 million project, the Caribbean Regional Human Resources Development Program for Economic Competitiveness, directed towards OECS members states, Jamaica and Guyana. Project trains people to meet developing labour market demands, primarily in the private sector, with some attention paid to public sector roles.

Others FTAA.sme/inf/97 Andean Community Financial Cooperation and Technical Assistance in support to the subregional and national competitive programms of the Andean Community. - Support with financial resources and technical assistance the subregional and regional strategies and polices orientated to improve the Andean Community competitiveness in the hemisfere. - Financial Assistance.
- Financial Cooperation.
- Establishment of a subregional mechanism of coordination.
- Contribute to improve the commerce and investment flow at the Andean Community in the FTAA.
- Supporting and streghtening the national competitive systems.
- To Strengthen the government institutions and the active participation of the private sector.
USAID missions in Bolivia and Peru are developing trade-related economic growth initiatives in support of competitiveness in these countries.

3. Tripartite Committee: Ad hoc cooperation
Organization Field of Cooperation Cooperation Description Objective of Cooperation Offered to: Period Contact
ECLAC Training Second International Trade Forum on Trade Facilitation. To contribute to the construction of an equal trade facilitation mechanism. Public and Private Sector. May 14th-15th, 2003. ECLAC United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Training Courses on programming and evaluating the activities of the Public Sector, constructing strategic visions, decentralizing processes, approaching and management of local development both regional and local. To offer training to the public and private sector, and academics about the different themes related to the economic and social forecast Civil servants of the State, academics, institutions or public sector organizations. Continuing. ECLAC
United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:

Latin American and
Caribbean Institute
for Economic and Social
Planning (ILPES)
Mrs. Alejandra Naser

ECLAC Training Seminar on the competitiveness of the argicultural and farming industry with a look at the trade negotiations, and with an emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean. To offer a better view of agriculture in the region in accordance with the studies on competitiveness, trade flows, and foreign investment. Governments, academics, and the civil society of the region. December 2002. ECLAC
United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:

Productive development
and management

ECLAC Training Training Seminar: Multilateral negotiations, international trade and sustainable development: present challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean To offer the tools necessary to understand the context of international trade and its relationship with the environmental theme and sustainable development. Governments, academics, and the civil society of the region. December 2003. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:

Sustainable Development and Human Settlements.

ECLAC Training Course-Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators for Latin America and the Caribbean. To understand the concepts surrounding the theme of SDI, to know the valuable experiences and to establish regional networks. Governments, academics, and the civil society of the region. June 2-6, 2003 United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:

Sustainable Development and Human Settlements

ECLAC Training 2nd International Course on Market Instruments and Sources of Financing Sustainable Development. To help with the conceptual and methodological elements, case studies, and the installation of instruments of economic and environmental management. Governments, academics, and the civil society of the region. July 1-9, 2003 United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page: Sustainable Development and Human Settlements
OAS Training Workshop on Investment. Organized by the Minister of External Relations of Ecuador and the Commerce Unit of the OAS. To promote an understanding of the subjects of negotiation in services and investments as well as of the process of formulating supplies. 25 participants from the public and private sector. January 10, 2003: Quito, Ecuador OAS: Maryse Robert
OAS Training Workshop on services and investment. Organized by the Minister of External Relations and the Commerce Unit of the OAS. To promote an understanding of the subjects of negotiation in services and investments as well as of the of the process of formulating supplies. 30 participants of the public and private sector. January 14-15, 2003: La Paz, Bolivia OAS: Sherry Stephenson and Maryse Robert
Minister of Trade: Ana María Rengel
OAS Training Workshop on investment for members of the CARICOM Technical Working Group on Investment. Organized by the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery (RNM), the Commerce Unit of the OAS and the Canadian Government. To promote an understanding of the themes of negotiation in investment. 25 participants of the Public Sector January 19, 2003: Nassau, Bahamas OAS: Maryse Robert
OAS Training Workshop on the Services for the members of the CARICOM Technical Working Group. Organized by the RNM and the Commerce Unit of the OAS. To promote an understanding of the themes of negotiation in services, as well as the process of formulating supplies. Government officials. January 26, 2003: Georgetown, Guyana OAS: Sherry Stephenson
Secretary CARICOM: Byron Blake
OAS Training Workshop on services for government officials in Guyana. Organized by the Minister of External Relations, International Cooperation, and the Commerce Unit of the OAS. To promote an understanding of the themes of negotiation in services as well as the process of formulation supplies. Government officials. January 26, 2003: Georgetown, Guyana OAS: Sherry Stephenson
Ministry of External Relations of Guyana.
OAS Training Advanced Training Program for Governmental Civil employees on multilateral and regional commercial approaches for the Americas, offered by the University of the West Indies, Barbados. Organized by the Commerce Unit of the OAS in conjunction with the WTO and the University of the West Indies. This two week program is offered in English for government officials of the Caribbean with the responsibilities in negotiations of the FTAA. The course covers the themes of the DOHA Agenda for Development, as well as those of the FTAA, with an emphasis in the themes of interest for the Caribbean. Government Civil employees of CARICOM with direct responsibilities in the areas of trade and/or economic integration. June 16-27, 2003:
Bridgetown, Barbados
OAS: Pamela Coke-Hamilton
UWI: Lolita Applewhaite
OAS Training Advanced Training Program for Governmental Civil employees on multilateral and regional commercial approaches for the Americas, offered by Georgetown University, Washington DC.
Organized by the Commerce Unit of the OAS in conjunction with the WTO and Georgetown University.
This two week course is offered in spanish for governmental officials of Latin America with responsibilities in the negotiations of the FTAA. The course covers the themes of the DOHA Agenda for Development as well as the FTAA. Government civil employees from Latin America with direct responsibilities in the areas of trade and/or economic integration. June 30-July 11, 2003:Washington DC,
United States.
OAS: Maryse Robert
Georgetown University:
Robin King
OAS Training Seminar on Services for government civil employees and representatives of the private sector of Guyana. To promote the understanding of the themes of negotiation in services. Government representatives and the private sector. June 30, 2003: Belice. OAS: Sherry Stephenson and Patricio Contreras
Ministry of Investment and Trade of Belice: Haydee Alonzo.
OAS Training Seminar on awareness and education on the FTAA process. To promote the understanding of the FTAA process as well as the themes of negotiation. Governmental officials and the private sector. July 1, 2003: Belice. OAS: Sherry Stephenson and Paul Fisher
Ministry of Investment and Trade of Belice: Haydee Alonzo.
OAS Training Train-the Trainer´s Program. This new category of training is to be carried out at the present time in Central America. The program will also be offered in the Caribbean, the Andean Community, Panama, and the Dominican Republic with the help of the HCP. This program looks to build the capacity of a critical mass of individuals in different trade themes and disciplines so as to strengthen the local capacity in these areas and thus to promote the sustainability of programs of commercial qualification at the national and regional level. Private sector specialists, academics, and other experts. First activity is in San Jose, Costa Rica: July 15-16, 2003 OAS: José Manuel Salazar and Gisela Vergara
OAS Training Cycle of Workshops, Conferences, and Discussions about Trade Policies for upper executives, managers and other leaders. This new category of training will be carried out in conjunction with the Ministries responsible for the commercial policy of Central America, the Dominican Republic, Panama, the Andean Community, and MERCOSUR. The cycle has been designed in order to help strengthen the capacity related to trade and foster the dialogue among the public and private sector as well as the civil society in the context of the HCP. Upper executives, managers, and other leaders. First activity is in San José, Costa Rica: July 17-18, 2003- OAS: José Manuel Salazar and Gisela Vergara.
OAS Training Intensive Training Session on Investments for the Governmental civil employees of the Caribbean. Organized by the Commerce Unit of the OAS, WTO and UNCTAD, with participation of the University of the West Indies in Puerto España. The objective of the course is to prepare the government civil employees in the CARICOM countries given that very few countries have negotiated trade agreements. The course examines the principal themes of investment in the commercial agenda from the multilateral as regional point of view with a special emphasis on the process of the FTAA. Governmental civil workers from CARICOM member states with experience and direct responsibilities in the areas of investment. Candidates should be nominated by a government agency or by an regional institution involved in the FTAA process or in DOHA. September 15-23, 2003: Puerto España, Trinidad and Tobago. OAS: Maryse Robert
UNCTAD: Anna Joubin-Bret
UWI: Stephen Vasciannie
WTO: Primitivo Gómez-Torán.
ECLAC Datbases/Software Network directory of Latin American and Caribbean social institutions. To distribute relevant and comparable information about web sites generated by national and regional institutions which converge in socioeconomic development of Latin America and the Caribbean. Governments, academics, and the civil society of the region. Permanent. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold s/n
Santiago, Chile.
Web page:
ECLAC Databases/Software Statistical yearbook of Latin America and the Caribbean. To provide the pertinent information on diverse social and economic indicators of the analyzed region. Governments, academics, and the civil society of the region. Annual. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
Statistical Unit and Economic Projections
Mr. Hubert Escaith
ECLAC Databases/Software Graphical representation system of data and of the smooth management of international trade. To offer relevant information on international trade. Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. 1990-2001 United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:

International Trade and Integration
Mr. Jaime Contador

ECLAC Databases/Software Competitive Analysis of Nations (CAN) To offer the useful tools necessary to make an analysis descriptive of international trade and competitiveness. Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. 1984-2000 To contact the World Bank´s Section of publications go to the web page:
ECLAC Databases/Software Databases for International Transport. To offer information about ports, marine transport, marine resources, trade and integration, training and related organizations. Governmental officials and the civil society of the region. 1999-2000 United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web Page:

Natural Resources and Infrastructure
Jan Hoffman and/or Gabriel Pérez,

ECLAC Datbases/Software REDATAM To offer a software to process and map census data and the surveys for the local and regional analysis. Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. Permanent United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
Latin American and Caribbean Center of Demographics
ECLAC Databases/Software Central American Isthmus: Half a century of macroeconomic statistics. To provide the pertinent information of diverse economic indicators of the Central American Region. Governments, academics and the civil society of the region. 1950-2000 ECLAC-Mexico
Mazaryk 29 13th Floor
Col. Polanco, 11570 DF

Economic Development Unit
Mr. José Octavio Martínez

ECLAC Databases/Software Basic social indicators of the Northern Sub-region of Latin America and the Caribbean. To provide information about the diverse social indicators of the sub-region. Government officials and the civil society of the region. Permanent. ECLAC-Mexico
Mazaryk 29, 13th Floor
Col. Polanco, 11570 DF
Social Development Unit
Mrs. Ana Sojo
ECLAC Databases/Software Module to Analyze the Growth of International Commerce (MAGIC). To provide a tool on data analysis of foreign trade calculation of competitiveness indicators. Governmental officials, academics and the civil society of the region. 1990-2002 ECLAC-Mexico
Masaryk 29, 13th Floor
Col. Polanco, 11570 DF

Industrial Development Unit
Mrs. Claudia Schatan

ECLAC; Databases/Software Basic information on the Agricultural Sector. To provide information on the agricultural sector of the northern sub-region of Latin America and the Caribbean. Government officials, academics and the civil sector of the region. 1980-2000 ECLAC-Mexico
Mazaryk 29, 13th Floor
Col. Polanco, 11570 DF

Agricultural Unit
Mr. Braulio Serna

ECLAC Databases/software Central American Isthmus: Report on Hydrocarbon supplying. To offer information on the energy sector of the sub-region. Governmental officials, academics and the civil sector of the region. Annual. ECLAC-Mexico
Mazaryk 29, 13th Floor
Col. Polanco, 11570 DF

Energy Unit
Mr. Fernando Cuevas

ECLAC Databases/software Central American Isthmus: Electricity sub-sector statistics. To offer information about the energy sector in the sub-region. Government officials, academics and the civil sector of the region. Annual. ECLAC-Mexico
Mazaryk 29, 13th Floor
Col. Polanco, 11570 DF

Energy Unit
Mr. Fernando Cuevas

ECLAC Studies Economic Study of Latin America and the Caribbean. To provide information and analysis of the economic situation of the analyzed region. Government officials, academics and the civil society of the region. Annual. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies Preliminary balance of the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean. To provide information and analysis about the economic situation of the analyzed region. Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. Annual. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:;
ECLAC Studies Social Panorama of Latin America. To provide information and analysis of the social situation of the region and some topic of social interests. Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. Annual. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy To provide information and analysis about international trade in the region. Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. Annual United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies Studies about the innovation of national systems, productive reconstruction, business and sector competitiveness and the environmental impacts in the framework of trade liberalization.   Government officials, academics and the civil society of the region. Permanent United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies Foreign investment in Latin American and the Caribbean. To provide the information and analysis in the areas related to foreign investment in the region. Government officials, academics and the civil society of the region. Annual United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies Studies on sustainable environmental development, air pollution, environmental and urban management.   Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. Permanent. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies Studies on energy, sustainable development, natural resource development, institutional aspects and infrastructure development.   Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the region. Permanent. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies Studies on the NAFTA effects.   Government officials, academcis, and the civil society of the region. Permanent. United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Studies and technical assistance on policies and trade measures, services and composition of the exports and imports.       United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Assistance to the FTAA negotiating groups. To offer, together with the IDB y OAS, technical and financial assistance to the process especially to smaller economies. Governments of Latin America and the Caribbean. The FTAA process. ECLAC
United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “Los desafíos de la clasificación de los servicios y su importancia para las negociaciones comerciales”   Government officials Published on: December 2001. Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “Las tendencias principales del comercio, la política comercial y los acuerdos de la integración de los países de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC)”   Government officials Published on: November 2001 Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “Facilitación del comercio: un concepto urgente para un tema recurrente”   Government officials Published on: December 2001. Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “La calidad de inserción internacional de América Latina y el Caribe en el comercio mundial”   Government officials Published on: May 2003 Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “Normas de origen y procedimientos para su administración en América Latina”   Government officials Published on: May 2003. Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “Trade between Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Central American Common Market (CACM) countries: the role to play for ports and shipping services”   Government officials Published on: May 2003. Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “Developing countries’ anti-cyclical policies in a globalizad world”   Government officials Published on: June 2003. Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Study: “Asimetrías y cooperación en el Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas”   Government officials Published on: May 2003. Web page:
ECLAC Studies. Competitiveness Study for the Countries of the Andean Community of Nations. To attend the request of the Andean Community to provide it with a study on the competitiveness of its exports using the CAN and MAGIC programs. Andean Community of Nations. In progress ECLAC-Mexico
Mazaryk 29, 13th Floor
Col. Polanco, 11570 DF

Mr. Jorge Máttar

ECLAC Studies Study on the possible effects of the FTAA for the CARICOM countries.   Government officials, academics, and the civil society of the CARICOM countries. In progress ECLAC-Port Spain
1 Chancery Lane,
P.O. Box 1113
Trinidad and Tobago,
West Indies

Mr. Esteban Perez

ECLAC Others Attending the requests of the governments the Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) carries out missions of cooperation in subject related to the work program at the central.       ECLAC
United Nations Building
Dag Hammarskjold Ave. s/n
Santiago, Chile
Web page:

The Latin American and Caribbean Institute of Planning.

OAS Others Intensive Course for the negotiating group of Honduras during one week The course offered a panorama of the international trade system, relevant subregional agreements and specific aspects of trade, such as investment, rules, services and dispute settlement. Government officials January 9,10 and 13-14, 2003: Tegucigalpa, Honduras OAS: Theresa Wetter
Honduras: Ministry of Commerce
OAS Others Trade Unit experts´ participation in the Seminar on Services. Organized by the Secretary of the Andean Community, IADB-INTAL and UNCTAD. The objective of the seminar was to offer and opportunity to change ideas and information between the negotiators of the Andean Community in services who attend the WTO and FTAA negotiations and the IADB, UNCTAD and OAS experts, in the fields of financing services, the movement of natural persons, domestic regulation, and others.   May 27-30, 2003: Lima, Peru. OEA: Sherry Stephenson and Patricio Contreras
OAS Others Trade Unit expert’s participation in Workshop of Investment to CARICOM government officials. Organized by CARICOM Secretary   Government officials, RNM representative, labor unit representatives and consultants. May 9-7, 2003: Port Spain, Trinidad and Tobago OAS: Maryse Robert

4. Studies
Theme or sector Classification Country/Group of countries Title Objectives Components Expected Results Status of Cooperation
Market Access FTAA.sme/inf/86 Nicaragua Conduct of sectoral studies to serve as the basis for the negotiation of the tariff elimination schedule in the FTAA Agreement. - Determine export potentials and degrees of competitiveness.
- Decide on negotiating strategies for market access and agriculture.
- USD $20,000 for studies
- USD $10,000 for strategy development.
- Inventory of national production
- Understanding of technological development levels.
The U.S. Agency for International Development will fund a training course for new government negotiators, drawing on historical experiences of past trade agreements (e.g., the NAFTA, the GATT, the WTO, the Canada-Chile FTA).
Agriculture FTAA.sme/inf125 Bahamas Technical Assistance for studies and analysis for the Agriculture Sector. - To strengthen institutional and technical capacity in the Ministry of Agriculture to prepare studies.
- To increase the export potential of the sector.
- Specialized technical assistance from international and regional institutions;
- Financial resources;
- Training courses and workshops.
- Strengthen the Ministry of Agriculture to prepare agriculture studies on the export potential of the sector and areas in the sector requiring safeguards.  
Services FTAA.sme/inf/120 Bahamas The preparation of sector studies in Financial Services Sector (Banking, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Trust Stock Exchange, E-Commerce, Martime, Registry and Financing, Aircraft Registry and Financing). - To build technical capacity and understanding of FTAA rules and regulations;
- To prepare negotiating strategies for greater market access;
- To carry out sectoral analysis to determine how FTAA will affect the various sectors
- Technical assistance (the services of an expert);
- Training courses, seminars and workshop.
- Financial assistance
- Greater understanding of the FTAA rules and regulations and their impact on the sector.
- Developing and conducting effective negotiating techniques.
Services FTAA.sme/inf/124 Bahamas Technical Assistance to carry out studies and analysis in the Distribution, services-sub-sector - To prepare the business sector to increase their competitive. - Training courses and workshops on the WTO;
- Studies on the advantages and disadvantages of trade liberalization.
- Networking with international agencies and businesses to form strategic alliances.
- $60,000.
- Building knowledge and capacity about the advantages and disadvantages of trade liberalization;
- Strengthening opportunities to form strategic alliances.
Services FTAA.sme/inf/126 Bahamas The preparation of studies in the Tourism Sector - To determine the negotiating strategies for the tourism sector - Training courses and workshops
- Specialized technical assistance;
- Conducting sectoral studies;
- Training to developing strategies for greater market access
- Improved knowledge and building of capacity for tourism officials.
- Increased potential for market access.
Others FTAA.sme/inf/90 CARICOM and Dominican Republic Analysis of the fiscal impact of trade liberalization and tax reform. - To provide technical assistance that allows these countries to gauge the fiscal impact of FTAA and to be prepared for possible tax reform scenarios. - Financial and technical resources to conduct fiscal impact studies.
- Specialized technical assistance.
- Quantification and determination of the fiscal impact of trade liberalization.
- Identification of alternative sources of fiscal revenue to mitigate negative fiscal impact of the elimination of tariffs.
Others FTAA.sme/inf/127 * Dominican Republic Exportable supply diagnosis - To guarantee macroeconomic stability
- To foster a suitable climate for promoting foreign investment
- To draw up organization schemes for trade
- US$ 64,007.83 - The project would be national in scope, included business and production organizations, as well as would participate, government agencies.  
Others FTAA.sme/inf/131 Dominican Republic Impact study: costs/benefits of exporting Dominican products to the countries of Central America. - An exhaustive study shall be conducted on the internal and external markets of the priority products previously selected by the Dominican Republic. US$ 74,842.21 - A comparative analysis to be made of priority Dominican products that have export potential in the countries of Central America.  

* Projects that required immediate attention.

countries sitemap a-z list governmental contact points