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Intellectual Property Rights National Legislation Directory Links
Derechos de propiedad intelectual Legislación nacional Directorio Enlaces
Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual Legislação Nacional Diretório Links
Droits de propriété intellectuelle Législation nationale Annuaire Liens


Directory of National Authorities on Intellectual Property

This section includes basic information on authorities responsible for the different areas of intellectual property in the Western Hemisphere. It covers copyright, industrial property, plant varieties, customs and trade policy formulation.

Directorio de autoridades nacionales en materia de propiedad intelectual

Esta sección incluye información sobre las autoridades responsables de las distintas áreas de la propiedad intelectual. Comprende derechos de autor, propiedad industrial, variedades vegetales, autoridades aduaneras, y autoridades a cargo de la política comercial en esta área.

Diretório de Autoridades Nacionais em Matéria de Propriedade Intelectual

Esta seção inclui informação sobre as autoridades responsáveis pelas distintas áreas da Propriedade Intelectual. Abrange Direitos de Autor, Propriedade Industrial, Variedades Vegetais, Autoridades Alfandegárias e autoridades a cargo da política comercial nesta área.

Annuaire des autorités nationales en matière de propriété intellectuelle

Cette section contient de l’information de base en ce qui a trait aux autorités responsables de la propriété intellectuelle dans l’hémisphère occidental en matière de droit d’auteur, de propriété industrielle, d’obtentions végétales, de douanes et formulation de politique commerciale.


Antigua and Barbuda Bolivia Costa Rica Grenada Jamaica Peru Trinidad and Tobago
Argentina Brazil Dominica Guatemala Mexico St. Kitts and Nevis United States
Bahamas Canada Dominican Republic Guyana Nicaragua St. Lucia Uruguay
Barbados Chile Ecuador Haïti Panama St. Vincent and Grenadines Venezuela
Belize Colombia El Salvador Honduras Paraguay Suriname  


IP Area / Area IP Authority / Autoridad
Copyright / 
Derecho de Autor

Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs
Office of the Attorney General

Address: Office of the Attorney General
Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs
St. John's
Tel: (809) 462 2807
Fax: (809) 462 2465

Industrial Property / 
Propiedad Industrial
  • Patents / Patentes

  • Trademarks / Marcas

  • Industrial Designs / Diseños Industriales

The Registrar's Office

Address: P.O. Box 163
High Street
St. John's
Tel: (1 268) 462 3929
Fax: (1 268) 462 2465
Telex: 2090 TELCO AK

Area IP / IP Area Autoridad / Authority
Derechos de Autor /

Ministerio de Justicia
Dirección Nacional del Derecho de Autor

Dirección: Talcahuano 612
1013 Buenos Aires
Tel: (54 1) 371 4289; 371 5494
       (54 1) 371 3838; 371 4421
Fax: (54 1) 371 5494
       (54 1) 371 4289
Télex: 21464 COPRE AR

Propiedad Industrial /
Industrial Property
  • Patentes/ Patents

  • Marcas / Trademarks

  • Diseños Industriales /
    Industrial Designs

Ministerio de Economía y Obras y Servicios Públicos
Secretaría de Coordinación Industria, Comercio y Minería
Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI)

Dirección: Paseo Colón 717
1063 Buenos Aires
Tel: (54 1) 343 5278 (Secretaría del Directorio y Presidencia)
       (54 1) 343 5290
Fax: (54 1) 343 5286
Extensiones telefónicas:

5313 (Asesor del Directorio)
5324 (Patentes)
5334 (Modelos y Diseños Industriales)
5333 (Transferencia de Tecnología)
5376 (Información Tecnológica)
5377 (Asuntos Legales)
8041 (Marcas)
8169 (Informes)

Variedades Vegetales /
Plant Varieties

Instituto Nacional de Semillas (INASE)
Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
Ministerio de Economía y Obras y Servicios Públicos

Dirección: Avda. Paseo Colón 922 3er Piso
1063 Buenos Aires
Tel:(54 1) 362 3988
Fax: (54 1) 349 2417

Medidas en Frontera /
Border Measures

Administración Nacional de Aduanas

Dirección: Azopardo 350, 1er Piso
Buenos Aires
Tel: (54 1) 331 7635
       (54 1) 331 7606
Fax: (54 1) 334 5044

Política Comercial /
Policy Formulation/Trade
Secretaría de Comercio e Inversiones

Dirección: H. Yrigoyen 250, 5o Piso, Of. 526
Buenos Aires
Tel: (54 1) 349 5414
       (54 1) 349 5416
Fax: (54 1) 349 5422


IP Area / Area IP Authority / Autoridad
Copyright / 
Derechos de Autor
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Registrar General's Department

Address: R.E. Bain Building
P.O. Box N-532
Tel: (1 242) 322 3316/7/8; 322 8038
Fax: (1 242) 322 5553

Mailing Address: Freeport Office:
Regent Centre
P.O.Box F-2602
Tel: (1 242) 352 4934; 352 4937
Fax: (1 242) 352 4060

Industrial Property / Propiedad Industrial
  • Patents/ Patentes
  • Trademarks / Marcas
  • Industrial Designs / Diseño Industrial
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Registrar General's Department

Address: R.E. Bain Building
P.O. Box N-532
Tel: (1 242) 322 3316/7/8; 322 8038
Fax: (1 242) 322 5553

Mailing Address: Freeport Office:
Regent Centre P.O.Box F-2602
Tel: (1 242) 352 4934; 352 4937
Fax: (1 242) 352 4060


IP Area / Area IP Authority / Autoridad
Copyright / 
Derechos de Autor
Ministry of International Trade and Business
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office

Address: Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office
Belmont Road
St. Michael
Tel: (1 246) 436 4818; 436 4819
Fax: (1 246) 437 3072
Telex: WB 2222 FOREIGN

Industrial Property /
Propiedad Industrial
  • Patents / Patentes
  • Trademarks / Marcas
  • Industrial Designs /
    Diseño Industrial
Ministry of International Trade and Business
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office

Address: Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office
Belmont Road
St. Michael
Tel: (1 246) 436 4818; 436 4819
Fax: (1 246) 437 3072
Telex: WB 2222 FOREIGN

Policy Formulation/Trade /
Política Comercial
Ministry of International Trade and Business
Permanent Secretariat

No1 Culloden Road
St. Michael


IP Area / Area IP Authority / Autoridad
Copyright / 
Derechos de Autor
Attorney-General's Ministry

Address: The Attorney-General
Attorney-General's Ministry
Tel: (501 8) 22 154; 22 504; 22 110
Fax: (501 8) 23 390

Industrial Property / 
Propiedad Industrial
  • Patents / Patentes
  • Trademarks / Marcas
  • Industrial Designs / Diseño Industrial
Attorney-General's Ministry

Address: The Attorney-General
Attorney-General's Ministry
Tel: (501 8) 22 154; 22 504; 22 110
Fax: (501 8) 23 390


Area IP / IP Area Autoridad / Authority
Derechos de Autor /
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes
Viceministerio de Cultura
Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor

Dirección: Palacio Chico
Calle Ayacucho esquina Potosí La Paz
Dirección Postal: Casilla de Correo 14765 La Paz
Tel: (591 2) 37 32 99; 37 32 98; 37 81 28; 37 36 32
Fax: (591 2) 37 32 99; 36 17 98

Propiedad Industrial /
Industrial Property
  • Patentes / Patents
  • Marcas / Trademarks
  • Diseño Industrial /
    Industrial Designs
Secretaría Nacional de Industria y Comercio
Dirección General de Desarrollo Industrial
Oficina Nacional de Propiedad Industrial

Dirección: Avenida Eliodoro Camacho 1488 La Paz

Dirección Postal: Casilla 4430 La Paz
Tel: (591 2) 37 20 46; 34 34 04; 367453) 
(ext. 135 Industrial Property); 372043.
Fax: (591 2) 372047 (DGDI); 372046 
(Industrial Property Office)
Telex: 3259 DICOMEX BV


Área IP / IP Area Autoridade / Authority
Direitos do Autor / 
Ministry of Culture
Copyright Coordination

Endereço: Coordenação de Direito Autoral (CDA)
Ministério da Cultura (Min C)
Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco "B"
Sobreloja - Sala 110
70.068-900 Brasilia, D.F.
Tel: (55 61) 321 2874
Fax: (55 61) 225 9162; 226 9093
Telex: 61-1066 / 61-1197
Internet homepage:

Propriedade Industrial /
Industrial Property
  • Patentes / Patents
  • Marcas / Trademarks
  • Desenhos Industriais / Industrial Designs
Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade
National Institute of Industrial Property

Endereço: Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI)
Ministério da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo
Praça Mauá 7, 18 andar - Centro
20081-240 Rio de Janeiro - R.J.
Tel: (55 21) 223 4182
Fax: (55 21) 263 2539; 233 0334
Telex: 21-22992 INPI BR
Internet homepage:

Política Comercial /
Policy Formulation
/ Trade
Divisão de Política Comercial - DPC
(Trade Policy Division)

Endereço: Ministério das Relações Exteriores
Anexo I - Sala 536 – 5o andar
70170-900 Brasília-DF
Tel: (55 61) 211 641115
Fax: (55 61) 226 60 79; 223 73 62

Propiedad Intelectual y
Tranferencia de Tecnología /
Intellectual Property
and Transfer of Technology
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade
MDIC-Secretary of Industrial Technology

Endereço: Esplanada dos Ministério
Bloco J - 2o andar -220
CEP 70053-900 Brasília-DF
Tel: (55 61) 3 29 73 97
Fax: (55 61) 3 29 72 86
Internet homepage:


IP Area / Secteur IP Authority / Autorité
Copyright / Droits d'auteur Department of Industry
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

Address: Place du Portage I
50 Victoria Street
Hull, Québec K1A OC9
Tel: (819) 997 1725
       (819) 997 1657 (Registrar of Copyrights)
Fax: (819) 953 6977
Internet homepage:;

Industrial Property /
Propriété industrielle
  • Patents /
    Brevets d'invention
  • Trademarks /
    Marques de commerce
  • Industrial Designs /
    Dessins industriels
Department of Industry
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

Address: Place du Portage
50 Victoria Street
Hull, Québec K1A OC9

PCT Office Box
50, rue Victoria
Hull, Québec K1A OC9
Tel: (819) 997 1725
       (819) 953 9712 (PCT Office)
Fax: (819) 953 6977
       (819) 953-9538 (PCT Office)
Internet homepage:;

Plant Varieties /
Variétés végétales
The Commissioner
Plant Breeders' Rights Office
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Address: 3rd Floor, East Court
Camelot Court
59 Camelot Drive
Nepean, Ontario K1A OY9
Tel: (613) 225 2342
Fax: (613) 228 6629

Customs Measures /
Mesures douanières
Customs Trade Administration Branch
Revenue Canada Customs

Address: Connaught Building
6th Floor
Mackenzie Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0L5
Tel: (613) 941 9928
Fax: (613) 941 2034

Policy Formulation/Trade
Politique comerciale
Intellectual Property, Information and Technology Trade Policy Division (EBT)
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Address: Lester B. Pearson Building 
(Tower C, 3rd floor)
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A OG2
Tel: (613) 944 2028
Fax: (613) 944 0066


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