Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA |
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Recommendations for the Agriculture Negotiating Group
The U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin
America (AACCLA), and the U.S. Section of the Brazil-U.S. Business Council
welcome this opportunity to present our views on the emerging Free Trade
Area of the Americas (FTAA). We strongly support free trade in the
hemisphere, and we have previously submitted recommendations to the
Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil
Society and to the previous seven meetings of the Americas Business Forum
giving our perspective on how the agreement should be framed.
Agricultural trade is a major component of international trade and must be
treated as all other goods in the FTAA. Furthermore, there must be a
strong commitment among all participants to remove tariff and non-tariff
barriers to trade in all agricultural commodities and value-added finished
food products. Additionally the FTAA should include clear rules on the
application of sanitary and phytosanitary regulations, and the elimination
of all subsidies on exports and domestic production. Compliance in
agricultural trade would be aided by regulatory transparency. Measures
should be adopted to ensure that regulations are published in English,
Portuguese and Spanish and available on the Internet and by other means. We would like to express our support of the consensus reached during the VI Americas Business Forum 2001 agricultural workshop that for a successful FTAA, we should declare the hemisphere a subsidy-free zone. Furthermore, countries in the region should pledge to neither extend subsidies on their own exports, nor to admit subsidized imports from outside the region.
U.S. Chamber of
Commerce Recommendations for the Agriculture Negotiating Group The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA), and the U.S. Section of the Brazil-U.S. Business Council welcome this opportunity to present our views on the emerging Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). We strongly support free trade in the hemisphere, and we have previously submitted recommendations to the Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society and to the previous seven meetings of the Americas Business Forum giving our perspective on how the agreement should be framed. Specifically we recommend that the governments in the hemisphere agree during the Quito FTAA Ministerial to take the following actions to build a strong foundation for the final FTAA Agreement, including endorsing the following measures:
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