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duties of the UN and the FTAA inasmuch as it agrees with positive morals.
It is much more important than universal literacy or
access to education at all levels, regardless of race, national origin or
gender, and constitutes an essential basis for the sustainable social and
cultural development of democratic and sociocratic stability with the
positive moral, scientific and economic intellectual backing based on
capitalist and labor principles, respectively. The spread of political freedoms in previous centuries,
mainly after 1789, especially after the scientific knowledge acquired
during the past four centuries and the discovery of the rest of our
planet, its insides and interplanetary conquests, the advances of current
communication systems, genetic engineering, etc., has enabled the results
of the evolution of Ancient Greece and Roman, pagan, feudal-Catholic
civilization to spread all over and gradually develop positive dogma,
which will certainly serve as a basis for the normal-utopist regime the
future industrially holds for us to be true and de facto peaceful.
Certainly utopist, but not chimerical. Even when this dogmatism did not exist during
the infancy of our species or was almost suppressed by empiricism,
which ensured some men supremacy over others, repelling pernicious and
wild animals, and domesticating more useful ones, over the impulse for
fetishism, which was at first spontaneously concrete, but later
somewhat abstractly “astrolatic.” One such period was followed by polytheism
which, by imagining that it could submit the various kinds of phenomena
inherent to beings to its multitude of gods, thus started using an
analytical method to scientifically instruct our ancestors and train them
in the logic of images. Then came monotheism, which concentrated all the
divinities in one God, undertaking to logically simplify our theoretical
activities by reducing images to mere signs to reach the
point where, under the cross, the unification of human knowledge is
achieved in the West and established under the aegis of religion, a
situation which is now tenuous and largely failing because the complete
scientific series has still not been constituted. It was positivism, which stemmed from the
scientific culture of the Greeks, that was pursued by the encyclopedic
school of thought (of Hume, d’Alembert, Diderot, Condorcet and Fontinelle,
etc.) and was finally systemized by Augusto Comte, who had the wherewithal
to clarify its two final terms by founding sociological dynamics
and establishing positive morals as the most eminent of all terms:
inducing them spontaneously into mathematics so that people learn
to deduce from studying mathematics; inducing them systematically
into astronomy, physics and chemistry, so as to pave the way for
transcendental inductions, which biological comparisons and
sociological affiliations then, in turn, unfold: human intelligence or
the human spirit ultimately does have the conditions for going beyond
objective analysis to subjective synthesis, to
scientifically build morality, which is thus transcendentally deduced
more through the logical inspiration of feeling than by the images and
their respective signs that serve as a basis for others. When considering the objective of all the other
sciences, I see that human morality or science = biology, sociology
and morality or construction science itself; presiding over them with
technical skills (technologies) will shed a better light on practical
activities; and harmonize the aesthetic arts so that they
dignifiedly solemnize the deepest feelings of the human soul or psyche in
its collective worship of the Great Being, in other words, the family, the
homeland and humanity. Thus, when understood together, the logic of science
or space = mathematics and natural physics or earth sciences =
astronomy, physics as such and chemistry, both coincide in this worship of
our elders which human sciences ultimately consecrate. Morality or the
science of construction simultaneously governs the applications of the
other two, which produces the emergence, as an art, rather than a science,
of what is called “Scientific Psychology or the Science of
Construction". We are now entering the realm of positive moral theory,
which consists of seven theorems based on observations of human behavior
over historical time. Scientific morals or the science of construction in
fact aims to practically unite the elements of the individual “soul”,
bearing in mind the need for the collective worship to preside in the same
temple, a worship which, through the family, can consecrate the thoughts
and acts of its deserving or worthy sons in favor of mankind in all
nations. Hence, by subordinating egoism to altruism, analysis to
synthesis, progress to order, and combining the three elements: morality,
theory and practice that generally express this unity (doctrine)
which, it should be noted, is included as a corollary that implies and
demonstrates the problem of education. Education, which is essential for all of us, is a
moral solution that stands out from the other two and presides over them:
the intellect predominates over practice, and imposes the following three
general conditions for education plans on all of us. The pursuit of purity of feeling is the
compression of the seven selfish feelings, the guiding principle
of our constant endeavors, not only material but also mental efforts to
turn human acts into more altruistic results that are consequently
constant and solid; i.e., the subordination of the personality to
sociability. No other bases should ever be deemed valid for this
purpose, unless they are our relative knowledge of universal order. 3) We must resign ourselves, in all circumstances, to
accept that that order rules over our lives immutably and fatally and,
therefore, take advantage of what favorable elements it offers for
intervening in our activities. Positive dogma (the 15 universal laws
common to the 7 basic sciences with their respective natural laws and
their corresponding technologies). Let us level upwards. We can thus conclude that the issue is doctrinaire; in other words,
religious (scientific, theological, and fetishist) when one attempts to
solve the issue of education (not just instruction, but education in a
broader sense), to draw up an education plan and suggest that religions
and schools follow certain norms regarding the education of feelings -
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