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FTAA.TNC/cbf/com/07 FTAA - TRADE NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE Meeting of Experts on Customs-Related Business Facilitation Measures
The experts continued their work on the implementation of the customs-related business facilitation measures approved by Trade Ministers at the Toronto Ministerial Meeting, including technical assistance required by some FTAA member countries to advance in the implementation of these measures.
FTAA - TRADE NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE Meeting of Experts on Customs-Related Business Facilitation Measures
December 11, 2001
2) Updating of the matrix on implementation and technical assistance (FTAA.TNC/cbf/O2/Rev. 2) 3) Hemispheric Guide on Customs Procedures (FTAA.TNC/cbf/w/03/Rev. 7) 4) Discussion of the Group’s report to the TNC 5) Presentation by the Tripartite Committee of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) – under the auspices of the Inter-American Development Bank 6) Other business |
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