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FTAA - TRADE NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE Meeting of Experts on Customs-Related Business Facilitation Measures PRESS COMMUNIQUÉ The meeting of Experts continued working towards the implementation of the Customs-Related Business Facilitation Measures approved by Trade Ministers at the Toronto Ministerial Meeting, including technical assistance required by some FTAA member countries to advance in the implementation of these measures.
The Group agreed to the publication of the matrix listing Implementation Status and Technical Assistance
Needs: Custom Related Business Facilitation Measures, which will be incorporated into the FTAA homepage
FTAA - TRADE NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE Meeting of Experts on Customs-Related Business Facilitation Measures
October 30 - 31, 2000
2) Evaluation of the implementation plan
b) Chair’s report on the publication of the revised version of the matrix on implementation. 3) Technical assistance
b) Chair’s report on the submission by the Chair of the Group on Smaller Economies of the matrix on the implementation of measures and originals of applications for technical assistance submitted by delegations. 4) Hemispheric Guide on Customs Procedures.
b) Definition of the introduction to the Guide. c) Chair’s report on the submission of the request for de-restriction of the Guide. d) Decision on time-lines for translation of the Hemispheric Guide on Customs Procedures into Portuguese and French. e) Tripartite Committee report on hyperlinks to the home pages of national customs authorities in each country. f) Future updates of the Guide.
5) Discussion of the Draft Report for the next Ministerial Meeting.
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