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Make Trade Fair for the Americas
Agriculture, Investment and Intellectual Property:
Three Reasons to Say No to the FTAA While poverty, inequality and the concentration of
wealth persist in Latin America and the Caribbean, trade and investment
agreements are being promoted that would seriously limit the
possibilities of development and poverty eradication in the countries of
the region. The Free Trade Area of the Americas is an agreement that
would favor the interests of large corporations over the rights of the
people of the Americas. Summary Trade and investment have great
potential for creating sustainable development, reducing poverty and
meeting basic rights. Instead of realizing this potential, however,
trade and investment have contributed to increasing poverty, greater
inequality between and within countries, and a greater concentration of
wealth produced by the global economy. 1. Fair Trade Rules for
Agriculture, including :
Special and differential treatment in
agriculture, taking into account food security needs and the
interests of small producers;
Putting an end to the dumping of cheap food by
rich countries, which destroys the livelihood of millions of farmers
in developing countries by forcing them to compete unfairly in their
local markets;
Improved access to markets for developing
country products;
Greater equity in the marketplace, giving countries the flexibility
to support small producers and regulate the monopolistic behavior of
transnational agricultural corporations.
2. Regulating Foreign Investment
to Promote National Development, including:
Measures to develop links between the export
sector and the local economy, ensuring the development of local
production capacities;
Promotion of international labor and
environmental standards and other measures to create positive
contributions to sustainable development;
Controls to limit the flow of speculative and
short-term investment;
to foreign investors’ ability to bypass the laws and courts of host
countries, and the elimination of the concept of indirect
Intellectual Property Rules that Guarantee Public Welfare,
Promotion of reforms in the TRIPS agreement and
implementation of the Doha Declaration in order to reduce the price
of medicines;
Prohibition of patents on genetic plant
resources for food and agriculture;
Keeping intellectual property protection out of the negotiations of
the FTAA and other trade agreements in the region. Introduction Oxfam International has launched
the Make Trade Fair campaign, which seeks to change international trade
rules so that trade and investment can contribute to sustainable
development, reducing poverty and meeting basic rights. 1 Agriculture: Double Standards
and Poverty Agriculture is a crucial source of
livelihoods in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a key component in
the strategies for poverty reduction and development in the region.
Agriculture is also one of the largest industries in the world, though
its international scope is limited, given that only 10% of agrarian
production is traded internationally. The Double Standards of Trade
Liberalization Agricultural liberalization
policies are a clear example of the double standards that exist in
international trade. While the United States, the International Monetary
Fund, and the World Bank promote indiscriminate liberalization of
agricultural markets in developing countries, rich countries maintain
subsidies and protectionist policies. Both the US and the European Union
continue to grant huge direct payments to farmers. Agricultural Dumping Box 1: Agricultural Dumping in
Mexico Basic grains imports into Mexico
under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have doubled
between 1994 and 2001 to 110 million tons with a value of $18.5 billion.
In the case of corn, Mexico imports an average of 6 million tons
annually, compared to 2.5 million tons prior to NAFTA. The market price
of grains dropped, and the actual prices to producers have fallen
between 35%-60%. Today, the price of corn for producers is $80 per ton.
However, its production cost is $120 per ton. This has resulted in the
stagnation of domestic production of basic grains and an increase in
food dependency, which has affected the livelihoods of over 2.5 million
corn producers. However, due to the concentration of the commercial
chain between importers and distributors, this price reduction has not
benefited consumers, since the sales prices to the public continue to
rise. The price of tortillas, the base diet of the majority of Mexicans,
has risen from 0.80 pesos/kg in 1993 to 5.00 pesos/kg in 2002.
The current crisis in the Mexican
countryside has forced an unprecedented mobilization of rural
organizations who are fighting for a revision of the agricultural
chapter of NAFTA as well as more equitable means of financing and
subsidies for small producers (approximately 40% of the total). In 2003,
NAFTA requires are that all tariff rates on agricultural products except
corn, beans and powdered milk be reduced to zero and the import quota
limit be eliminated, leaving Mexican producers completely unprotected
from unfair competition from dumping.ix The US, however, has strict and
sophisticated anti-dumping laws to protect its own market, and it has no
qualms about imposing its anti-dumping obligations and compensation
measures against other countries. The most important US law to
unilaterally address what it considers unfair trade practices is Section
301 of the 1974 Trade Act, which gives the USTR considerable discretion
in determining what constitutes dumping. The US anti-dumping law has
been used against Chilean mushrooms and salmon, frozen Brazilian orange
juice, fresh flowers from Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico, tomatoes
from Mexico, and honey from Argentina.x Increase in Corporate Control
Falling Prices and the Impact on
Rural Livelihoods Thousands of rural Latin American
and Caribbean families that produce goods for local markets have seen
their livelihoods destroyed by the flood of cheap products, principally
from the US. This is particularly the case for small farming families,
the majority of whom have low productive capacity and face the
challenges of unstable infrastructures and weak government support
institutions. These farmers are not in a position to compete with the
large-scale production of more developed economies. Box 2: Impact on Haitian Rice
Growers. In Haiti, poverty and malnutrition
dramatically increased during the rapid market liberalization period.
When the tariff on rice was drastically reduced from 35% to 3% in
1994/95, imports of subsidized rice from the US flooded the domestic
market and local production fell, devastating the means of survival of
50,000 rice-producing families. Currently, two-thirds of the rice
consumed in Haiti is imported. Worse still, Haiti has not been able to
generate sufficient income to maintain the rhythm of food imports,
leading to increased debt. Similar experiences occurred in
the Jamaican dairy sector, which was virtually destroyed by subsidized
milk from Europe, and Guyana poultry farms, which were closed due to the
dumping of chicken from the United States. However, it is not only farmers
who produce for national markets who have been impoverished by the
liberalized agricultural trade. Millions of small producers from the
countryside who produce coffee, cotton and bananas for export and the
rural workers tied to these products have also faced falling prices, the
destruction of their livelihoods and concentration of corporate control
over the sector. The FTAA and Agriculture
Fair Trade Rules for Agriculture Eliminating poverty and promoting
development in Latin America and the Caribbean requires changes in trade
rules based on the recognition of the right to sustainable livelihoods. Special and Different Treatment
for Agriculture In the WTO negotiations, several
developing countries have proposed measures that would give them the
flexibility necessary to defend themselves against unfair trade
practices. These measures would allow them to undertake public
investments relevant to rural development and food security by exempting
their key food security products from liberalization commitments.
Moreover, these measures would better allow governments to promote
development by strengthening local and regional markets through
protection measures and incentives, including increasing tariffs and
internal supports. Flexibility to support an
increase in food production directed toward rural development and
basic food security crops; Exemption from tariff reduction
requirements and renegotiation of tariffs for basic crops produced by
small farmers; Exception from commitments to
reduce all internal support measures that pursue food security goals;
Creation of a special fund to
support the production and marketing of small producers, with an
emphasis on the elimination of barriers that exclude women from their
Ban Dumping of Cheap Food
The FTAA trade negotiations must
prevent US transnational corporations from continuing to sell their
agricultural surpluses at prices lower than local production cost.
Dumping lowers global prices and weakens small farmers by establishing
unfair competition in their own domestic markets. This is why the
following measures are required:
Eliminating any subsidies that
permit export below the actual production cost and strict regulation
of credits for exports and food aid; Permitting importing countries
to raise tariffs as a defense against food dumping and implement
safeguards to protect their markets from cheap imports; Reforming the internal support
policies of the US in order to eliminate their effects on unfair
competition or export dumping and the concentration of wealth and
monopolistic practices of the large agribusinesses. The large North
American budget for agriculture must be used to protect the
environment, promote food security, ensure the livelihoods of small
producers, and increase the prices of products throughout the
Access to Markets for Developing
Countries Developing countries have opened
their markets unilaterally while rich countries maintain protection,
carving out protected areas for their agricultural sector. The
continent’s poorest nations have lost a large part of their negotiation
power. Therefore, the following are required: The US and Canada should
relinquish their claims for greater access to the markets of Latin
American and Caribbean countries, and renounce the minimum access
obligations that is now codified in the WTO;
Canada and the US should
unilaterally reduce the tariffs on products originating from the
region, particularly those produced by the poorest farmers;
The US and Canada should
eliminate escalating tariffs, which discourage value-added activities
in the region. Equity in the Marketplace The liberalization of agricultural
trade places small-scale farmers in direct and unfair competition with
the largest agribusinesses in the world. Standards are urgently required
that encourage government support for increasing the market power of
small farmers. Disciplinary standards are equally important to control
the monopolistic behavior of transnational corporations. This would help
eliminate export dumping. Therefore, the following are necessary: Allowing all countries the
flexibility to support small farmers through public marketing
enterprises controlled by farmers, marketing boards and similar
Instituting disciplinary
standards on the monopolistic behavior of the transnational
agricultural trade and limiting the market distortions that this
behavior can produce. 2 Investment: People Before
Profits Investment has real potential to
contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development. Foreign
investment has become the most important source of external capital,
surpassing declining official development aid by more than four times.xiv
Yet the investment rules proposed in the FTAA fail to capture that
potential because they are heavily weighted toward the protection of
private investors’ rights instead of considering development and poverty
reduction needs. Investment Patterns: Quantity
Without Quality Investment has boomed over the
past decade, reaching unprecedented levels to become the main source of
financial transfer from rich to poor countries. Foreign direct
investment (FDI) has increased in Latin America and the Caribbean almost
ten times during the 1990s, from 10.2 billion in 1990 to 95.4 billion in
2000.xv Although there has been a recent decrease in FDI inflows to this
region (in 2001, FDI flows to Latin America and the Caribbean dropped to
85.3 billion), the overall trend has been towards large increases in
investment flows. Box 3: A Village Facing Mining
Investment Tambogrande, a village of
approximately 18,000 inhabitants located in a fertile agriculture zone
in Northern Peru, has been considered in recent years as a possible site
for a controversial mining project by the Canadian-based Manhattan
Minerals Corporation. According to an independent environmental impact
assessment, if the mine were constructed, a local river would need to be
diverted, and about 8,000 citizens would have to be relocated. In
addition, there would be other significant environmental consequences,
including the pollution of water, land and air. In June 2002, the citizens of
Tambogrande, along with Oxfam partners CONACAMI (the National
Coordinator of Communities Affected by Mining) and FEDEPAZ (a human
rights group), organized a referendum that asked the population whether
it supported mining projects in agricultural areas such as that in
Tambogrande. Of the 73% of people who participated in the vote, an
overwhelming 94% voted against the mining operation. In December 2002,
the people of Tambogrande received a prestigious human rights award
commending their civic initiative in holding the referendum. The investment rules proposed in
the FTAA have the potential to crush citizen initiatives like this one.
This is because of the ease with which corporations could initiate legal
proceedings against governments that attempt to regulate investment in
order to protect the environment and public health, as well as provide
preferential support to domestic companies in order to achieve their
competitiveness. FDI can contribute to economic
growth if it is linked to the local economy. Moreover, FDI also has the
potential to level regional inequalities by stimulating economic
activity and jobs in less wealthy areas in a manner that is consistent
with the local and regional development plans that are determined
democratically by the population. Through the transfer of technology,
investment can make it possible for developing countries to improve
their technology base and retain greater value-added production. The
role of governments is central to this process to ensure that their
investment plans are carried out according to their development
policies. But in practice, free trade agreements and the FTAA limit
governments’ ability to make FDI play this positive role. NAFTA and FTAA: Investing in
Corporate Welfare The most significant model for the
investment chapter of the FTAA is Chapter 11 of nafta. This set of rules
expands investor rights beyond the regulations that previously existed
under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and sets
significant limitations on the ability of governments to regulate
investment to achieve sustainable development and poverty reduction. A broad definition of
investment, including portfolio and financial investments as well as
traditional FDI, limiting the possibility of regulating harmful
speculative investments;
A mechanism to settle
investor-to-state disputes that gives foreign corporations the right
to bring direct action against governments for alleged breaches in
investment rules, thus bypassing domestic laws and national judicial
Extensive protections for
investors from a wide range of governmental regulations. The enactment
of a law, whether for the environment, health or public well-being,
which is perceived as interference with the firm’s ability to obtain
future profits from its investment can be considered an indirect
expropriation. This has led to cases under nafta in which governments
have been forced to pay large compensation awards to investors;
Guarantees that foreign
investors must be treated at least as well as domestic investors
(national treatment) and all member countries be treated the same
(most favored nation treatment). The impacts of these requirements on
emerging local industries that do not have the ability to compete with
foreign firms can be devastating. They limit governments’ ability to
help their own companies, which would be perceived as discriminating
against foreign companies;
Prohibitions against the use of
performance requirements. This prevents states from requiring
investors to purchase supplies from local sources, meet minimum levels
of domestic content, or to meet employment targets, all of which could
help boost local development. The draft FTAA text replicates the
investment provisions of NAFTA. Corporations have used national
treatment, indirect expropriation and investor-to-state provisions to
create legal challenges and demand compensation in international dispute
settlement organizations, which have a reputation of being undemocratic
and lacking in transparencyxxiii.
These cases have resulted in extremely high costs and the erosion of
domestic laws, the objective of which was to protect citizens’ rights to
a healthy and a clean environment.
Box 4: Oil and Indigenous
Resistance in Ecuador The Shuar and Achuar are
indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon whose livelihoods are highly
dependent on their land. The discovery of oil in the
lowlands of the northern region of Ecuador has brought about devastating
environmental impacts, which led three main indigenous federations in
the area to declare their unconditional opposition to oil development on
their land. In addition, they denounced the tactics used by the US oil
company Arco Oriente Inc. of offering employment, water supplies, health
care and air travel in order to pressure the Shuar into granting
permission to use their land. At the request of Federación
Independiente del Pueblo Shuar de Ecuador (FIPSE), an Oxfam partner,
lawyers from the Center for Economic and Social Rights brought a suit
seeking to prohibit Arco from directly approaching FIPSE individuals,
communities and territories, instead of the organization’s legitimate
leadership. On August 24, 1999, carrying signs
declaring “No Oil Development on Shuar Lands!” hundreds of Shuar and
Achuar people converged in the town of Macas to present the suit to the
local court. On September 8, 1999, a judge ruled that Arco had violated
the rights of the Shuar people to organizational integrity and ordered
the company to refrain from approaching or negotiating with individual
members of communities of the FIPSE without authorization from the
court. Forcing Shuar residents to decide
between the potential benefits of increased investment and subjecting
their ancestral land to open oil development was a clear violation of
the collective rights of the Shuar people’s to determine how to manage
their own natural resources independently, as they had done for
centuries. These rights are guaranteed by the Constitution of Ecuador,
as well as Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization
concerning indigenous and tribal peoples and the International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.xxiv This type of legal victory would
be difficult under the proposed FTAA, whereby specific provisions of
what is called “indirect expropriation” could prevail over the rights of
the local communities to achieve sustainable livelihoods according to
their own development options. Contempt for Labor and the
Environment The provisions on labor and
environmental protections have also been widely criticized for failing
to ensure that international standards are upheld. The weak language
contained in the FTAA only recommends that countries do not relax their
pre-existing labor and environmental laws, whether they are effective or
not. Countries are only obligated to “strive to ensure” that such
standards are not weakened in order to attract foreign investment. Guaranteeing the Right to
Sustainable Development The draft investment chapter of
the FTAA establishes specific protections for investors that are greater
than those relative to labor, the environment and sustainable
livelihoods. Moreover, the FTAA would significantly restrict the ability
of governments to regulate investment and leaves them little room to
promote the achievement of broader development goals, such as linking
investment to the national and local economy, protecting space for the
implementation of national development plans, and the promotion of
poverty reduction strategies. Performance requirements that
create linkages between the export sector and the local economy and
promote reinvestment of profits;
Measures to reinforce technology
transfer in order to promote development of local production capacity;
Flexibility to restrict
investment when it has the potential to threaten labor and
environmental rights and when it does not clearly contribute to
Protections for labor and the
environment that require countries and companies to respect
international standards;
Controls to limit the flow of
speculative indirect and short-term portfolio investment, especially
with safeguard measures in times of financial crisis;
Exceptions from privatization
for basic services that are vital to the public well-being such as
water, education and health;
Exclusion of the concept of
indirect expropriation. Limit the ability of foreign investors to
bring international suits against national governments. Disputes must
first comply with the national organizations and laws of the host
An active commitment by the US
and Canadian governments to monitor the behavior of its transnational
companies so that they comply with the national laws of the host
country on investment and human rights, for example, conditioning
credits and guarantees for investment on compliance with basic
standards. These measures involve substantial
changes from what is proposed in the FTAA and in the discussions at the
WTO. If the rights of investors continue to dominate and these
considerations - demanded by citizens, women’s organizations, indigenous
peoples and local communities affected by the investments - are ignored,
the inclusion of updated multilateral investment rules will not
contribute to promoting fair trade for the Americas. 3 Intellectual Property and Public
Welfarexxvi The negotiations on intellectual
property (IP) in the FTAAxxvii
provide another reason for opposing the agreement. Without doubt, IP is
a fundamental theme for Latin American and Caribbean countries. It
involves developing the capacity and potential of countries of the
region with regard to knowledge, research, science and technology, and
the use of biodiversity. These are all key elements for development and
guaranteeing the quality of life of their populations. However, the
conditions under which IP is being handled in trade agreements are a
real obstacle to achieving these goals. Intellectual Property and
Development The objective of IP rules is to
legally protect the ownership of ideas, artistic creations and
technological innovations through patents, copyright, and trademarks.
This protection should contribute to the development of all countries.
However, reality reveals exactly the opposite. Industrialized countries make
90% of R&D investments, own an even higher percentage of patents, and
are the largest IP exporters. The United States is the largest
investor in R&D with 40% of the total global. In 1998, it had a trade
surplus of over $23 billion from IP exports.xxviii
Economies need increased access to
technology and knowledge in order to increase their national
development. Developing countries are becoming importers of high tech
goods and knowledge protected by TRIPS. From the 1970s to 1995, when
TRIPS was signed, Brazil’s IP royalty payments were approximately $300
million per year. But, since 1996, royalty payments have grown to $3
billion per year in 1999.xxix
In Mexico, only about 1% of patent applications are submitted by
residents of that
The priority over what to invent
and what to research is determined completely by profits. R&D is
directed toward satisfying the rich consumer market and not toward the
needs of the poor. There is an urgent need for R&D in medicine and
agriculture. Millions of people are dying every year due to a lack of
access to medicines. However, less than 10% of the overall expenses on
health research is directed toward the 90% of the most common diseases
of the majority of the population. Agricultural research is more
targeted toward product appearance and taste than to sustainable
production, on which the livelihoods of millions of small farmers
TRIPS grants 20-year monopolies
to patent holders on all processes and products, a period that
prevents any attempt to transfer technology when one considers the
speed of current technological changes.
TRIPS does not include the
protection of traditional IP. This encourages biological piracy that
affects indigenous peoples and small farmers in developing countries
who hold almost 90% of the world’s biological resources. The Hemispheric Social Alliance’s
analysis of the FTAA text on IPxxxi, notes that all proposals stem from
existing agreements at the WTO. The FTAA uses TRIPS as the minimum
reference, and there is pressure to reach a framework that is
“TRIPS-plus,” which would even further increase monopoly advantages and
limit access to the few mechanisms that protect the rights of developing
countries. Whether in the case of patents, traditional knowledge, or
access to genetic resources and plant varieties, there is nothing in the
current negotiations that is at all favorable to Latin American or
Caribbean countries. Intellectual Property and Health
The case of access to medicines
demonstrates, in practice, the negative consequences of an IP trade
agreement based on the interests of large companies. According to World
Health Organization (WHO) data, the diseases that cause the largest
number of deaths in poor countries are: pneumonia (3.9 million),
HIV/AIDS (2.6 million), diarrhea (2.2 million), tuberculosis (1.7
million), and malaria (1.1 million)xxxii. Eleven million people per year
could be cured or live longer lives if they had access to medicines. Investigation and unilateral
sanctioning. The US Trade Representative (USTR) can use Section 301 of
the 1974 Trade Act, which permits unilateral trade sanctions for
countries that it believes are acting against US trade interests.
Section 301 can be applied after a process of research and reporting
in which groups such as the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers
of America (PhRMA) play an important role;
Bilateral IP agreements and
regional and bilateral trade instruments introduce specific measures
in national legislation, as is the case with the FTAA;
The TRIPS agreement and
sanctioning mechanisms present at the WTO. These tools give the US government
many options, rather than depending on only one option such as the
dispute system established at the WTO. The US government also seeks to
guarantee the status quo and prevent changes that are not in its
interest. Box 5: Pressure on Brazilxxxiii In March 1987, PhRMA presented a
petition to the USTR against Brazil for not offering patent protection
for pharmaceutical products, alleging significant commercial losses for
the US companies. In July 1987, the USTR began to investigate and
consult with Brazil, and, one year later, the US President declared that
Brazil’s policy was unreasonable. In October 1988, the US President used
the authority of Section 301 to impose trade sanctions on some Brazilian
exports. As a result, in July 1990, the Brazilian government announced
the decision to create a law to offer patent protection for
pharmaceutical products and their production processes. On May 14, 1996,
the Industrial Property Law was approved. Pressure from the US and PhRMA
was so strong that Brazil began to comply with the patents for medicines
ten years prior to the date required by the Trips agreement. In January 2001, the US government
filed a complaint at the WTO against the Brazilian law, arguing that it
discriminated against imported products and contradicted Trips. The suit
cited Article 68 of the Brazilian law as justification. This article
states that if the patent holder does not manufacture the medicine in
the country within a period of three years from its registration, the
government can suspend the exclusive rights and authorize another
company to manufacture the product. At the same time, PhRMA intensified
its pressure on the USTR. The complaint generated a strong national and
international mobilization because it put the internationally recognized
Brazilian HIV/AIDS treatment program at risk. Amazingly, Brazil never
resorted to using Article 68 and never violated a patent in the country.
The pharmaceutical industry’s main concern was Brazil’s “bad example” of
producing low-cost generic medicines and facing up to the pharmaceutical
giants by using legal safeguards in order to guarantee the population’s
right to health. The complaint was withdrawn by the US in 2001.
In its proposal for the FTAA, the US
government is seeking “Trips-plus” rules, which would grant greater IP
protection than companies currently have, and which goes back on the
Doha Declaration. In September 2002, Doctors Without Bordersxxxiv
presented to the USTR a clear critique of the US government position in
the FTAA IP negotiations, indicating the key points under discussion.
Oxfam agrees with this critique that argues that the US proposal would: Severely restrict the use of
compulsory licensing. This is a step backwards from the progress in
Doha, where WTO member countries affirmed the right to use compulsory
licensing in accordance with their national legislation. The US
proposal aims to limit the use of compulsory licensing to four
situations: non-trade public purposes; declarations of national
emergencies; other situations of extreme urgency; or anti-competitive
practices. This could mean blocking compulsory licensing for price
abuses, for example.
Extend the term of
pharmaceutical patents beyond the minimum 20 years established by
Trips. The US wants to increase the term of patents in exchange for
earlier registration of generic drugs and to compensate for possible
delays due to administrative procedures and regulation that occur when
patents are granted and new medicines are registered. This is not a
requirement of the Trips agreement, and it is not in the legitimate
interests of patent holders.
Grant excessive authority to
regulatory bodies that enforce patents. This includes the regulatory
authorities notifying patent holders of the identification of any
company that is seeking approval to market a generic version of a
patented invention while the patent is valid. These authorities would
operate as agencies that further reinforce the use of patents.
Grant pharmaceutical companies
exclusive rights over data (for example, results of clinical trials)
for a minimum of five years. The trips agreement only requires that
undisclosed data be protected from unfair commercial use and
competition laws that are also unfair. Guaranteeing exclusive rights
over pharmaceutical data will result in delays and limit generic
competition in cases where the patent has expired or a compulsory
license has been granted. The proposals presented by the US
government in the FTAA only confirm the intent to establish “trips-plus”
rules in the region. Intellectual Property and Food
Security The biological and genetic
materials that provide the main resources to the biotechnology and seed
industries are also the basis of the means of survival of thousands of
poor rural communities. The requirements of the Trips agreement to
protect plants under patents or a sui generis system, such as the
rights of seed breeders, have serious impacts on food security and the
protection of biodiversity. Radical Changes in Intellectual
Property Oxfam maintains that: IP must remain outside of the
FTAA negotiations and other regional and bilateral trade agreements in
Latin American and the Caribbean;
“TRIPS-plus” rules through the
FTAA and other agreements are unacceptable;
The US must stop using Section
301 of its Trade Act and the threat of sanctions to pressure countries
for “TRIPS-plus” rules;
The US and all countries of the
region should sign the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD);
The TRIPS agreement must be
reconciled with the Convention on Biological Diversity, stressing the
obligation of patent holders to present the origin of biological
materials and obtain prior consent of their original owners,
communities and indigenous peoples;
Patents on genetic plant
resources for food and agriculture must not be permitted in any trade
agreements. Rich countries must not force the introduction of the 1991
UPOV as a system to protect plant varieties;
The countries of the region must
comply with the Doha Declaration and promote greater reforms in the
Trips agreement in order to improve access to low-cost medicines. 4 Conclusions “[T]he current rules have not
helped our countries overcome, nor even reduce, our economic problems.
We propose alternative rules to regulate the global and hemispheric
economies that are based on a different economic logic: that trade and
investment should not be ends in themselves, but rather tools for
achieving just and sustainable development.” Alternatives for the Americas,
Hemispheric Social Alliance, December 2002, pp.8-9 Oxfam believes that radical
changes are needed to trade and investment rules in the Americas in
order to promote poverty reduction, respect for human rights and
sustainable development. These changes require greater and unified
political will from Latin American and Caribbean governments, greater
capacity of civil society organizations to make proposals and mobilize,
and radical reforms in the institutions and trade agreements that are
being rapidly implemented on the continent. An integration project must
be based on the participation of all actors including social movements,
parliamentarians, and universities and not only the business sector and
governments if it is going to address the social inequality and poverty
on the continent. Within the changes required, those
in agriculture are essential, since they are critical to ensuring the
human right to food and poor countries’ right to development. Rural and
family agriculture still provides the highest number of jobs and a large
part of the national income in the poorest areas of the Americas. Oxfam International is a
confederation of 12 development agencies that work in 120 developing
countries: Oxfam America, Oxfam in Belgium, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam
Community Aid Abroad (Australia), Oxfam Great Britain, Oxfam Hong Kong,
Intermón Oxfam (Spain), Oxfam Ireland, Novib Oxfam Holland, Oxfam New
Zealand, Oxfam Quebec and Oxfam Germany. For further information, please consult one of the
organizations listed below: OI Advocacy Office OI Office Brussels OI Office Geneva OI Office New York
Ibid, p. 211
According to ECLAC and Institute for Food and
Agricultural Development figures.
Declaration of the World Food Summit: 5 Years
Later. Rome. June 2002.
Oxfam International. Rigged Rules and Double
Standards. 2002. Ch. 4. Available at:
Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, November 2001.
ECLAC, op cit., p.109.
CODEDCO, Efecto de las Acuerdos GATS y ASA en los
consumidores de Bolivia (2001), La Paz, Bolivia.
Information from the Asociación Nacional de Empresas
Comercializadoras del productores del Campo (based on official
ECLAC, op cit. Ch. 5. xi
Cited in Murphy, S. Managing the Invisible Hand:
Markets, Farmers, and International Trade. The Institute for
Agricultural Trade Policy/Canadian Foodgrains Bank, 2002.
CEPES, Algodón: menos áreas, más importaciones.
Agraria Magazine 40. October 2002. Lima, Peru. xiii
Draft text of the Free Trade Area of the Americas,
Chapter on Agriculture. Derestricted November 1, 2002. Available at: xiv
Oxfam International, op cit. xv
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Handbook of Statistics. 2002. Available at
ECLAC. Proyecciones Latinomericanas 2001-2002.
2002. p.54. Serie Estudios Estadísticos y Prospectivos, n. 16. Santiago,
Chile. Available at xvii
ECLAC.op cit. xviii
Banco de México, Balanza de Pagos. Taken from
the National Institute for Statistics and Geography.2002.
Oxfam International, op cit. Chapter 7.
ECLAC. Foreign Investment in Latin America and the
Caribbean. 1999.
Oxfam International, op cit.
xxii FTAA draft text, op cit. Chapter on
See NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-to-State Cases:
Bankrupting Democracy. September 2001. Public Citizen and Friends of
the Earth, and Alternatives for the Americas. December
2002. Hemispheric Social Alliance. Available at
Convention 169 of the International Labor
Organization, Articles. 7.1, 14.1, 15.1 and 15.2; and the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Articles 1.1 and 1.2.
Alternatives for the Americas, op cit.
The analyses presented are based on the studies and
documents prepared for Rigged Rules and Double Standards by Oxfam
International and the following documents used for the “Cut the Cost”
campaign on access to medicines:
- “Fatal Side Effects: Medicine Patents under the
Microscope”. February 2001. xxvii
FTAA draft text, op cit. Chapter on
Intellectual Property.
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Volume 55, Balance
of Payments. 2001.
Gontijo, C.Study on intellectual property
World Bank, 2002.
Documents from the Hemispheric Social Alliance: xxxii
World Health Organization. Statistical Yearbook.
Oxfam International. Companhias Farmacêuticas x
Brasil: Uma ameaça à saúde pública. May 2001.
Documents from Doctors Without Borders: xxxv
Action Aid. Patents and food security. Action
Aid Briefing 5. 1999. London.
Wilkinson, J. and Castelli, P. The
Internationalisation of Brazil’s Seed Industry: Biotechnology, Patents
and Biodiversity. 2002. © Oxfam International Rio de Janeiro, 2003
This document was written by Patricia Amat, Mark
Fried, Katherine Daniels, Simon Ticehurst and Katia Maia. It is part of
a series of documents that were prepared to contribute to a public
debate on development policies and humanitarian issues. The text can be
freely used for campaigns, education and investigation if reference is
made to the source of information.
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