June 14, 2002
Original: English-Spanish
Translation: non FTAA Secretariat
Eighteenth Meeting
Panama, June 10-14, 2002
The Eighteenth Meeting of the Negotiating Group on Agriculture (NGAG) took
place from 10-14 June 2002 in Panama. The following delegations attended:
Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, United
States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
The NGAG agreed on the Agenda and covered all the items on it.
Seven submissions were received from Civil Society.
The next meeting of the FTAA Negotiating Group on Agriculture will be held
in Panama from 22-26 July 2002.
The Agenda
of the meeting is attached.
Eighteenth Meeting
Panama, June 10-14, 2002
(Note: the distribution of time among the different agenda items
is only notional and will be adjusted according to the progress made
during the meeting)
Monday June 10:
1) Approval of the Agenda
2) Instructions to the NGAG from the last TNC meeting
3) Organization of the work of the Group: work plan for 18th to 21st
4) Methods for Determining Tariff Concessions
Tuesday June 11:
4.) Methods for Determining Tariff Concessions (continuation)
5) General Issues
i. Follow up of List of Tasks
ii. Notifications and counter-notifications of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary measures
iii. Identification of non-tariff measures
iv. NGMA report of the last meeting
6) Text of the Chapter on Agriculture and Recommendations to
i. Text of the Chapter - Section I: General Provisions
ii. Text of the Chapter - Section II: Market Access
Wednesday June 12:
7) Recommendations on the scope and methodology for eliminating
export subsidies affecting trade in agricultural products in the
Hemisphere (Instruction 2)
8) Text of the Chapter - Section III : Export Subsidies
Thursday June 13:
9) Recommendations on the types of measures and the methodology for
the development of disciplines to be adopted for the treatment of
all the other practices that distort trade in agricultural products,
including those which have an equivalent effect to agricultural
export subsidies. (Instruction 3)
10) Text of the Chapter - Section IV: Other Measures and Practices
that Distort Trade in Agricultural Products
Friday June 14:
11) Coordination with NGMA and other FTAA entities
12) Other business
i. Hemispheric Database
ii. Summary Report from the Eighteenth meeting
iii. Agenda for the 19th meeting
iv. Other items