October 19, 2001
Original: English-Spanish
Fourteenth Meeting
Panama, October 15 - 19, 2001
The Fourteenth Meeting of the Negotiating Group on Agriculture (NGAG) took place
from 15-19 October 2001 in Panama. The following delegations attended:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico,
Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The NGAG agreed on the Agenda and covered all the items on it.
The next meeting of the FTAA Negotiating Group on Agriculture will be held in
Panama from 17-21 December 2001.
The Agenda of the meeting is attached.
Fourteenth Meeting
Panama, October 15 - 19, 2001
- Approval of the agenda
- Report from the NGAG Chair on the meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee
- Report of the Chair of the Negotiating Group on Market Access
- Recommendations on a preliminary inventory of non-tariff measures, in order to establish a methodology, including a schedule, where appropriate, for the elimination, reduction, definition, further definition, further disciplining and/or prevention of non-tariff measures (Instruction 4).
- Organization of the work of the Group
- General items:
- Follow up of List of Tasks
- Follow up of the Hemispheric Data Base
- Notifications and counter-notifications of non tariff measures
- Notifications and counter-notifications of Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
- Proposals submitted on other areas
- Coordination with NGMA and other FTAA entities
- Export Subsidies:
- Instruction # 2 from Buenos Aires Ministerial Meeting
- New revised version of Section Three of the Chapter on Agriculture;
- All other practices that distort trade of agricultural products, including those which have an equivalent effect to agricultural export subsidies:
- Instruction # 3 from Buenos Aires Ministerial Meeting
- New revised version of Section Four of the Chapter on Agriculture;
- Market Access: new revised version of Section Two of the Chapter on Agriculture
- Pending issues from previous meetings and organization of future meetings:
- organization of the agenda and work plan to discuss SPS issues at the December meeting
- organization of the discussion on Non-Tariff Measures
- Agenda for the next meeting
- Other business