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PUBLIC Original: English FTAA - NEGOTIATING GROUP ON AGRICULTURE Seventh MeetingMiami, May 16-18, 2000 PRESS COMMUNIQUÉ The Seventh Meeting of the FTAA Negotiating Group on Agriculture (NGAG), was held in Miami, Florida from May 16-18, 2000. Delegates from the following countries participated: Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. The NGAG was given reports on the meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee in Guatemala, and that presented by the Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Market Access on their recently concluded meeting. Afterwards, the NGAG focused its discussion on export subsidies, other measures and practices that distort trade in agricultural goods, and other measures of equivalent effect to export subsidies. The discussion progressed, and it will be continued in future meetings of the Group. The Eighth Meeting of the NGAG will take place in Miami, from 25-28 July, 2000. The Agenda of the meeting is attached.
FTAA - NEGOTIATING GROUP ON AGRICULTURE Seventh Meeting Miami, May 16-18, 2000