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PRESS COMMUNIQUÉ 1. The Twenty-third Meeting of the FTAA Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society (SOC) was held in Santiago on 24 and 25 September 2003. Representatives from the following fifteen (15) countries attended: Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, the United States, and Venezuela. 2. The Committee met on 23 September 2003 to conduct the second issue meeting with participants from civil society. The Committee held a full-day roundtable with members of civil society on the topic of services negotiations. The Government of Chile, which hosted the meeting, welcomed the Committee and presented a brief overview of the general status of negotiations in the FTAA. The Chair of the FTAA Negotiating Group on Services described the status of the services negotiations. Various representatives from different sectors of civil society subsequently presented their views and observations on the subject. Many also made references to the consultations process within the FTAA and offered suggestions in this regard. The Committee welcomed the active participation of the representatives and studied ways in which to organize similar meetings on topics of interest to civil society. 3. During the meeting, the representatives approved the attached agenda and discussed the items listed therein. 4. In discussing item one on the agenda, the delegations reviewed the results of the second issue meeting with the participation of civil society. The Committee indicated that the event constituted a successful meeting with civil society, due to both the high-level of participation and the quality of that participation, and congratulated the Government of Chile for having organized the meeting. 5. Under item two of the agenda, the Committee continued to prepare its fourth Report of the SOC. 6. Under the third agenda item, “Follow up on the Quito Ministerial, TNC-Puebla and El Salvador Guidance and Instructions”, the Committee reviewed the following points:
7. In regard to the Puebla mandate to organize civil society meetings parallel to SOC meetings, the Committee agreed to hold its third issue meeting with civil society, on the topic of intellectual property, in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, at the invitation of the Dominican Government. This event will take place on 28 January 2004. More information will be made available to interested parties through the official contacts and on the FTAA official website ( 8. The Committee will meet in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on 29 to 30 January 2004. Original: English FTAA - COMMITTEE OF GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES ON THE PARTICIPATION OF CIVIL SOCIETY Twenty-Third Meeting Santiago, 24-25 September 2003
1. Discussion on the issue meeting on services, report on the preparation of the issue meeting on intellectual property rights and the programming of future issue meetings 2. Drafting of the Fourth Report of the Committee 3. Follow up on the Quito Ministerial, TNC-Puebla and San Salvador Guidance and Instructions
4. Presentation of the Chair’s Report to TNC - Port of Spain 5. Report on the preparation of the Americas Business Forum and the Americas Trade and Sustainable Development Forum, to be held in parallel with the Miami Ministerial 6. Other business |
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