Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA

Trade Negotiations

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Provisions on Trade in Services in Trade and Integration Agreements in the Western Hemisphere

Part II: Bilateral Free Trade Agreements
XX. Future Liberalization: A. Specific Comments/Areas of Negotiations

Chapter 10, Article 10-09: Future Liberalization
Through future negotiations to be convened by the Commission, the Parties shall deepen the liberalization achieved in the different service sectors, aiming to eliminate the remaining restrictions left in conformity with Article 10-07 (Reservations), paragraph 1 and 2.

Article 10-10: Liberalization of Non-Discriminating Measures
Each Party shall set out in its Schedule Annex VI its commitments to liberalize quantitative restrictions, licensing requirements, performance requirements or other non-discriminatory measures.

Article 10-12: Granting of licenses and certifications
Each Party shall, within two years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, eliminate any citizenship or permanent residency requirement set out in its Schedule to Annex I that it maintains for the authorization of licenses or certifications to professional service providers of the other Party.. Whenever a Party does not comply with this obligation regarding a specific sector, the other Party may adopt or maintain, as a sole resource, an equivalent requirement, in the same sector and during the same time as the non-complying Party.

Chapter H, Article H-07 Non discriminatory quantitative restrictitions
The Parties shall periodically, but in any event at least every two years endeavour to negotiate the liberalization or removal of the quantitative restrictions set out in Annex IV pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2.

Chapter H, Article H-08. Liberalization of Non-Discriminatory Measures
Each Party shall set out in its Schedule to Annex V its commitments to liberalize quantitative restrictions, licensing requirements, performance requirements or other non-discriminatory measures.

Article H-09: Procedures
The Commission shall establish procedures for:
(b) consultations on reservations, quantitative restrictions or commitments with a view to further liberalization.

Article H-10: Granting of licenses and certifications
Each party shall, within two years of the date of entry into force of this agreement, eliminate any citizenship or permanent residency requirement set out in its Schedule to Annex I that it maintains for the licensing or certification of professional services.

The Parties shall consult periodically with a view to determining the feasibility of removing any remaining citizenship or permanent residency requirement for the licensing or certification of each other's service providers.

Chapter X, Article 10-08 Quantitative restrictions
The Parties shall periodically, at least every two years, endeavor to negotiate the liberalization or removal of:
(a) the existing quantitative restrictions maintained by
(i) a Party at the federal or central, state or departmental levels.

Chapter X, Article 10-09: Future Liberalization
Through future negotiations to be convened by the Commission, the Parties shall deepen the liberalization achieved in the different service sectors, aiming to eliminate the remaining restrictions left in conformity with Article 10-06 (Non-Conforming Measures), paragraph 2 and 3.

Chapter X, Article 10-10: Liberalization of Non-discriminatory Measures
Each Party will elaborate a list of commitments to liberalize quantitative restrictions required for authorization of licenses and other non-discriminatory measures.

Article 10-11:Procedures
The Commission shall establish procedures for:
The celebration of future negotiations, pursuant to Article 10-09.

Chapter X, Article 10-13: Authorization of Licenses and Certifications
Each Party shall, within two years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, eliminate any citizenship or permanent residency requirement that it maintains for the authorization of licenses or certifications to professional service providers of the other Party.

Chapter IX, Article 9-08
The Parties commit to the further liberalization of services through future negotiations, to be convened by the Commission, particularly with respect to the various service sectors, with the objective of eliminating the remaining restrictions set out in the list of non-conforming measures.

Chapter IX, Article 9-09
Each Party will elaborate a list of commitments to liberalize quantitative restrictions required for the granting of authorizations, permits, or licenses, and other non-discriminatory measures.

Chapter IX, Article 9-12.3 (Mexico-Bolivia) and Article 9-13.2 (Mexico-Costa Rica)
Each Party shall, within two years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, eliminate any citizenship or permanent residency requirement set out in its schedule to Annex I that it maintains for the licensing or certification of professional service providers.

Mexico/Costa Rica
Chapter IX, Article 9-08
The Parties commit to the further liberalization of services through future negotiations, to be convened by the Commission, particularly with respect to the various service sectors, with the objective of eliminating the remaining restrictions set out in the list of non-conforming measures.

Chapter IX, Article 9-09
Each Party will elaborate a list of commitments to liberalize quantitative restrictions required for the granting of authorizations, permits, or licenses, and other non-discriminatory measures.

Chapter IX, Article 9-12.3 (Mexico-Bolivia) and Article 9-13.2 (Mexico-Costa Rica)
Each Party shall, within two years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, eliminate any citizenship or permanent residency requirement set out in its schedule to Annex I that it maintains for the licensing or certification of professional service providers.

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